And in the authors own words:
by Lopalong on Fri Feb 15, 2008 1:42 PM
Hi Torstein,
I would like to seek Permission to include highslider as part of the default application for phpBB22 forum-based software.
You would be aware that phpBB22 is GPL, and the modification would have to be released under that license also.
It's not as if it's an "out-of-the-box" application of your programme, as the script required to enable HighSlider to work with phpBB22 is somewhat complicated in itself.
I await your reply.
by admin on Mon Feb 18, 2008 11:58 PM
Hi David,
You are allowed to distribute Highslide JS with non-commercial packages given that you a) emphasize on your download page that Highslide JS is not free for commercial use, and b) provide a link back to this web page on your download page.
And funny, I never really noticed that he didn't say it could be included in the phpBB22 script. But his license is pretty broad for non-commercial software use.