I recently upgraded our forums to phpBB3 and was very happy to find the BlackPerl Style set - since it almost completly matched our old color scheme & design, saved me quiet a bit of time.
There are a few problems I am trying to figure out and I would love it if someone could assist me
On the main page where all the forums are listed, the 'View New Posts, View Active Posts, Etc' is located at the bottom of the list vs the top like it is everywhere else. Is there a simple way to fix this?
When we were on phpBB2 with CH, we had an button on the top of the posting screen 'youtube' which put the youtube BBCode in and you could put the link to the video. Since the upgrade even posts with existing [youtube] BBCode tags do not work
I really appreciate any help anyone can provide, my site is h**p://***.sistersofpassion.org - (Sisters of Passion is a Guild on the World Of Warcraft Sentinels Role Playing Server)
Happy New Year to all!