Re: Folder Name Changes In Latest Github Version (
Thank you for that, Joshua
I'm not sure I understand John, how can you rename a folder and still have the old folder present? :
8. Rename the following folder:
◦ files/posted_images ==> files/images
Well, I've been running IC2.0Beta/RC locally for a few months, so I usually just update via Git, and run the install/database_update.php script. This has worked until today. Though it probably isn't the 'right' way to do things.
Git couldn't 'rename' the folder because it uses a delete 'old folder', create 'new folder' technique which is not the same as a rename. So the result was I got both folders. I hadn't read the IP manual though
I copied the contents of posted_images into images, then ran install/install.php.
Here I came across a problem that I got an 'insufficient permissions' error. I was logged as an admin, but the code wants the founder user when IP is already installed - seems a bit drastic to me, and I don't have that user's password. I simply modified the php file (I'm in local, not happy about doing this on a live server) to get to the install page... Perhaps there is a way to change the 'founder' via
if (defined('IP_INSTALLED'))
$founder_id = (defined('FOUNDER_ID') ? FOUNDER_ID : get_founder_id());
if ($user->data['user_id'] != $founder_id)
message_die(GENERAL_MESSAGE, $lang['Not_Auth_View']);
Then from the Optional updated box (sorry I'm translating from italian) I chose 'Update to version (or higher)' - it's the last choice in the list, and than finally 'Import Images to the DB (Upgrade from Icy Phoenix 1.3 or higher)' as per the docs you linked to.
Now all is well again. The images in posts come from the right folder, so I manually deleted posted_images.
The main reason I am doing things this way is that I want to use Git on the server to upgrade the software. The server is currently 1.3.whatever, so I'll do the 'normal' wipe clean and install routine, but I want to install via Git so that future upgrades become a simple git fetch <remote>, git merge <remote>/<branch or tag>