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Post [MOD IPv1.3.0.*] Medal Mod 
   Medal Mod

   This mod is a complete Medal system for your Icy Phoenix forum.

Download the Latest Version Here!

Other helpful Documentation - "How to add the SQL for the MOD using Icy Phoenix"

Additional Language Files

MOD Updated 26th August 2009 - 08:00pm. (Thanks to Spydie for pointing out some HTTP_VARS).  
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Post Re: [MOD IPv1.3.0.*] Medal Mod 
Your welcome

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Post Re: [MOD IPv1.3.0.*] Medal Mod 
Moved to customisation forum


Mods and themes for Icy Phoenix 1.3

IcyPhoenix UK is off-line permanently due to lack of time to update mods.
if anyone is interested in my templates I will upgrade them to Icy 2.0.
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Post Re: [MOD IPv1.3.0.*] Medal Mod 
have installed the MOD medals and has gone all ok,
but I have one questions to ask.

I would want to only visualize the medals under to the member profile ( that I want to eliminate evidenced it )


Sorry for my English  

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Post Re: [MOD IPv1.3.0.*] Medal Mod 
If you re-read the instructions AGAIN! it says:

#-----[ OPEN ]-----[ NOTE ]->->->- This adds the medals to the User Block!
# USE the second entry for viewtopic_body.tpl to add medals above the PostBits. DON'T USE BOTH!!

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Post Re: [MOD IPv1.3.0.*] Medal Mod 
The girls sometimes distract!  

All resolving.


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Post Re: [MOD IPv1.3.0.*] Medal Mod 
So do my grandchildren!  
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Post [MOD IPv1.3.0.*] Medal Mod: Three Feature Requests 
This is a feature request.

A member of the forum has two (or more) usernames. He has won medals on both usernames.

Feature request:
Bridge between two (or more) usernames in order to show in viewtopic the medals of the username that made the post, and his other usernames's medals too.

A team (group) has won a medal.

Feature request:
The ability to assign medal to groups. (in medals.php to be displayed, as the winner, the group name)
In viewtopic.php to be displayed the medals won by the user, as a member of a group (team), distinctly of the single username medals.

Now, we have hundreds of users that were awarded with medals.
Feature request:
A page that automatically shows a top of the awarded users, by number of medals received.

At this moment I only have a simple, ugly page that I manually made for it, but I show you for example of what I have in mind.


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Post Re: [MOD IPv1.3.0.*] Medal Mod 
What you have in mind and what you request would take a whole lot of programming. And while the Medal Mod is free and wysiwyg, if you wish to have those changes implemented then you had better be prepared to pay somewhere around $US300 for it.

Other than that, you could spend a whole lot of your time trying to do it yourself.  

Let me point something out:

These type of requests fall on deaf ears when one assumes that other people have nothing better to do than to cater for the whims of what every user would like for free. If the original code is free and one wants it to be expanded - then one should be prepared to pay for it.

And I'm sure that MG would be prepared to negotiate a price with you, for him to make all the modifications that you suggest to the existing code.  


It also appears that you are running a commercial website that generates revenue - So please spare us the "What I want or would like to see" and expect other people to put in the HARD work and do it for free!
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Post Re: [MOD IPv1.3.0.*] Medal Mod 
Well, I didn't expected to be made freely, but it worth trying.

However, with $ 300 I can buy a license of an entire site, with all the features I need. I do not want to ridiculise the programmer's work, I am putting in his shoes and I would not do the job much cheaper. I know it's a lot of work. But after all, I am not a programmer, I am just a consumer or a potential customer (with not that much money to spend, as long as I don't gain anything from my forum:)

(still,  the third request seems easier, and it would be usefull for forums that use this mode, and would bring added value to the medal system mod - perhaps that might represent a kind of compensation for the author)

My Regards,

Lopalong wrote: [View Post]
It also appears that you are running a commercial website that generates revenue - So please spare us the "What I want or would like to see" and expect other people to put in the HARD work and do it for free!

I think that is a misunderstanding, the site that use IP is www.doizecisti.ro, and does not generate any profit - au contraire.
The site in the signature is the site of the company I run and yes, the company generates profits because this is my profession, construction design and structural engineering. The site has nothing to do with IP, is developed in PHP-Fusion wich by the way has the license bought with 30 English pounds + 10 euros for the theme/template)

Best regards to you Lopalong, and thank you again for the mod.

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Post Re: [MOD IPv1.3.0.*] Medal Mod 
Lopalong wrote: [View Post]

It also appears that you are running a commercial website that generates revenue - So please spare us the "What I want or would like to see" and expect other people to put in the HARD work and do it for free!

Whatever your issues are, you don't have to yell at other members or talk down to them.

Thanks for not retaliating, Structor.

| Icy Phoenix ColorizeIt! |
Bipolar Disorder - Not good for you and definitely not good for everyone else.
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Post Re: [MOD IPv1.3.0.*] Medal Mod 
I had installed with no trouble but my problem is in the admin control panel i click Allow Medal Display and yes then submit and it goes back to no. Same thing happens picking medals and categories. Is it something i didnt activate?

thx kevin

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Post Re: [MOD IPv1.3.0.*] Medal Mod 
this seems to be a problem with the vars.

when did you download that package ?

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Post Re: [MOD IPv1.3.0.*] Medal Mod 

isurisSend private message  
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Post Re: [MOD IPv1.3.0.*] Medal Mod 
i'll bother again  

after install this mod, when i try to see the medals in the ACP section and any other link i get this

Cannot query medal categories list


SQL Error : 1146 Table 'gamerszone.medal_cat_table' doesn't exist

SELECT cat_id, cat_title, cat_order FROM MEDAL_CAT_TABLE ORDER BY cat_order

Line : 64
File : medals.php

But i have run the sql queries, and i have confirmed this table is there...

the prefix have been changed from "ip_" to my own prefix...
all new tables are there
all the sql queries where completed sucefully
and all files where edited correctly...

where may be my error?



By the way i have the same issue than isuris...  

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