Re: Help With My Site [contact Us]
Hello and welcome to the Icy Phoenix support website!
First off, no one should contact you via private message. All support issues should be asked and answered in the forum. This not only helps you, but helps hundreds of other users. If someone was to have the same problem as you, they would end up creating another topic because you asked and received help via private message. Someone will be able to search for their problem and find your topic and get the help they need. It's all about helping the masses.
To the root of the issue, there are a number of things that could be preventing an e-mail from being seen. Are you sure the message wasn't marked as SPAM and placed in a spam or trash folder inside your e-mail client? Are you sure the administrator e-mail account in the
ACP is correct and up-to-date? What version of Icy Phoenix are you using? Do you have to sse SMTP Server for e-mail?
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Bipolar Disorder - Not good for you and definitely not good for everyone else.