Randomising Text Colour

Subject: Randomising Text Colour
Mmm? I can't post in "PHP Scripts" so I'll dump it here. :P

Here's a cute little thing that I found in my travels that randomises the colour of texts etc - - - -

Da Script:

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function get_random_color()
for ($i = 0; $i<6; $i++)
$c .= dechex(rand(0,15));
return "#$c";

Da Usage Sample:

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echo '<span style="color:'.get_random_color().'; font-weight: bold;">'.$r['username'].'</span><br />';

And one gets something like this:

Mighty G


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Subject: Re: Randomising Text Colour
mort wrote: [View Post]
Mmm? I can't post in "PHP Scripts" so I'll dump it here. :P

Thanks Mort, I moved it to Free PHP Scripts

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Subject: Re: Randomising Text Colour
Thanks for sharing Mort, there are similar (not identical!) scripts in bbcode.php that you can use here.

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* Load rainbow colors
function load_rainbow_colors()
return array(
1 => 'red',
2 => 'orange',
3 => 'yellow',
4 => 'green',
5 => 'blue',
6 => 'indigo',
7 => 'violet'

* Apply rainbow effect
function rainbow($text)
// Returns text highlighted in rainbow colours
$colors = $this->load_rainbow_colors();
$text = trim($text);
$length = strlen($text);
$result = '';
$color_counter = 0;
$TAG_OPEN = false;
for ($i = 0; $i < $length; $i++)
$char = substr($text, $i, 1);
if (!$TAG_OPEN)
if ($char == '<')
$TAG_OPEN = true;
$result .= $char;
elseif (preg_match("#\S#i", $char))
$result .= '<span style="color: ' . $colors[$color_counter] . ';">' . $char . '</span>';
$color_counter = ($color_counter == 7) ? 0 : $color_counter;
$result .= $char;
if ($char == '>')
$TAG_OPEN = false;
$result .= $char;
return $result;

function rand_color()
$color_code = mt_rand(0, 255);
if ($color_code < 16)
return ('0' . dechex($color_code));
return dechex($color_code);

function load_random_colors($iterations = 10)
$random_color = array();
for ($i = 0; $i < $iterations; $i++)
$random_color[$i + 1] = '#' . $this->rand_color() . $this->rand_color() . $this->rand_color();
return $random_color;

function load_gradient_colors($color1, $color2, $iterations = 10)
$col1_array = array();
$col2_array = array();
$col_dif_array = array();
$gradient_color = array();
$col1_array[0] = hexdec(substr($color1, 1, 2));
$col1_array[1] = hexdec(substr($color1, 3, 2));
$col1_array[2] = hexdec(substr($color1, 5, 2));
$col2_array[0] = hexdec(substr($color2, 1, 2));
$col2_array[1] = hexdec(substr($color2, 3, 2));
$col2_array[2] = hexdec(substr($color2, 5, 2));
$col_dif_array[0] = ($col2_array[0] - $col1_array[0]) / ($iterations - 1);
$col_dif_array[1] = ($col2_array[1] - $col1_array[1]) / ($iterations - 1);
$col_dif_array[2] = ($col2_array[2] - $col1_array[2]) / ($iterations - 1);
for ($i = 0; $i < $iterations; $i++)
$part1 = round($col1_array[0] + ($col_dif_array[0] * $i));
$part2 = round($col1_array[1] + ($col_dif_array[1] * $i));
$part3 = round($col1_array[2] + ($col_dif_array[2] * $i));
$part1 = ($part1 < 16) ? ('0' . dechex($part1)) : (dechex($part1));
$part2 = ($part2 < 16) ? ('0' . dechex($part2)) : (dechex($part2));
$part3 = ($part3 < 16) ? ('0' . dechex($part3)) : (dechex($part3));
$gradient_color[$i + 1] = '#' . $part1 . $part2 . $part3;

return $gradient_color;

function gradient($text, $color1, $color2, $mode = 'random', $iterations = 10)
// Returns text highlighted in random gradient colours
if ($mode == 'random')
$colors = $this->load_random_colors();
$colors = $this->load_gradient_colors($color1, $color2, $iterations);
$text = trim(stripslashes($text));
$length = strlen($text);
$result = '';
$color_counter = 0;
$TAG_OPEN = false;
for ($i = 0; $i < $length; $i++)
$char = substr($text, $i, 1);
if (!$TAG_OPEN)
if ($char == '<')
$TAG_OPEN = true;
$result .= $char;
elseif (preg_match("#\S#i", $char))
$result .= '<span style="color: ' . $colors[$color_counter] . ';">' . $char . '</span>';
$color_counter = ($color_counter == $iterations) ? 0 : $color_counter;
$result .= $char;
if ($char == '>')
$TAG_OPEN = false;
$result .= $char;
return $result;

Subject: Re: Randomising Text Colour
Yep, I knew that was there Luca , but IMHO they're both toys for those who don't know any better. :mryellow:

Both have foreground-background colour compatibility problems with words and letters disappearing, and that's what I mean by toys!

Imagine if one was to script them to use the forum css tags?

No maybe not!


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Subject: Re: Randomising Text Colour
I am currently successfully using the following code to randomly change the color of specified text ("quotations" - see below) each time the page is reloaded. The only problem is that the colors are too random. Instead of the code I now have, I'm looking for code that would allow me to define a distinct list of colors through which the text would randomly rotate each time the page loads. In other words, I want to choose each of the randomly loaded colors of my text. Hope that makes sense... Perhaps some kind of an array?

Subject: Re: Randomising Text Colour
Hi, sorry for the delay.

Can you tell me which colors you'd like?

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