I'm working on converting MODS for the next release of Icy Phoenix, and appreciate all the help I can get by adding various lang files before release.
If you want to help, it would also be appreciated if you named the file lang_ecard.php and upload your translation as a .zip file (rather than any other Commercial format) to avoid any possible Encoding Errors.
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* @package Icy Phoenix Modifications
* @File $Id: lang_ecard.php
* @copyright (c) 2007 MagMo h**p://phpbb.mwegner.de/
* @email: <N/A>
* @license h**p://opensource.org/licenses/GPL-license.php GNU Public License
* @Extra credits for this file
* Modified for Icy Phoenix by Lopalong - 01-January-2009
// ------------[ Contributors ]-------------------
// Translated to "??" by "??"
// Website: "??"
if (!defined('IN_ICYPHOENIX'))
if (empty($lang) || !is_array($lang))
$lang = array();
$lang = array_merge($lang, array(
// START Ecard lang
'Viewing_ECard' => 'eCard',
'eCards_sent' => 'Sent eCards',
'ec_eCards' => 'eCards',
'ec_Categories' => 'Categories',
'ec_Images' => 'Images',
'ec_Upload' => 'Upload',
'ec_xStatistic' => 'Statistics',
'ec_items_required' => 'Items marked with a * are required.',
// END Ecard lang
// START New Array - Ecard lang_ec
if (empty($lang_ec) || !is_array($lang_ec))
$lang_ec = array();
$lang_ec = array_merge($lang_ec, array(
'ECard' => 'eCard',
'ECard_select' => 'select eCard',
'ECard_send' => 'send eCard',
'ECard_edit' => 'edit eCard',
'ECard_show_preview' => 'show preview',
'ECard_to' => 'to',
'ECard_from' => 'from',
'ECard_name' => 'Name',
'ECard_email' => 'email-address',
'ECard_message' => 'message',
'ECard_preview' => 'preview',
'ECard_stored' => 'Your eCard was sent.',
'ECard_not_stored' => 'Your eCard was NOT sent!',
'ECard_click_forum' => 'Click %sHere%s to return to the forum.',
'ECard_was_send' => 'This eCard has already been sent.<br /><br />Click %sHere%s to return to the eCard-gallery.',
'ECard_not_found' => 'The eCard you requested does not exist.',
'ECard_subject' => 'eCard from',
'ECard_notification_subject' => 'read your eCard',
'eCard_Upload_explain' => '<strong>Upload new eCard-pictures.</strong><br /> Thumbnails cannot be automatically created, because the PHP extension GD does not support the filetype GIF for copyright reasons.',
'Main_Categorie' => 'Main Category',
'Upload_Image' => 'Picture Upload',
'Image_Title' => 'Picture Title',
'Upload_Image_local' => 'Upload picture',
'Upload_Thumbnail' => 'Upload thumbnail',
'Upload_to_Category' => 'Upload to',
'Upload_thumbnail_explain' => 'A thumbnail is a small version of the picture.',
'allowed_Format' => 'Allowed filetypes',
'Max_file_size' => 'Maximum file size (bytes)',
'Max_tfile_size' => 'Maximum thumbnail-file size (bytes)',
'Max_width' => 'Maximum width (pixels)',
'Opt_width' => 'Optimal width (pixels)',
'Max_height' => 'Maximum height (pixels)',
'Thumbnail_size' => 'Maximum thumbnail width x height (pixels)',
'Upload_no_title' => 'You must enter a title for your picture.',
'Upload_no_file' => 'You must enter the path and the filename of the picture.',
'Upload_no_tfile' => 'You must enter the path and the filename of the thumbnail.',
'Upload_successful' => 'Your picture has been uploaded successfully.',
'Missed_pic_title' => 'You must enter a picture title.',
'Bad_upload_file_size' => 'Your uploaded picture is too large or corrupted.',
'Bad_upload_tfile_size' => 'Your uploaded thumbnail is too large or corrupted.',
'Not_allowed_file_type' => 'The file type of the picture is not allowed.',
'Not_allowed_tfile_type' => 'The file type of the thumbnail is not allowed.',
'Upload_image_size_too_big' => 'Your picture dimensions are too large.',
'Upload_thumbnail_size_too_big' => 'Your thumbnail dimensions are too large.',
'Click_return_ecard_upload' => 'Click %shere%s to return to the eCard-Upload',
'Title_too_long' => 'Your title is too long (max. %s Characters)',
'no_Categorie_selected' => 'No valid category was selected.',
'no_categories' => 'There is no category.',
'no_cat_images' => 'There are no pictures in this category.',
'no_images' => 'There are no eCards in this category.',
'unknown_Categorie' => 'unknown category',
'no_images_unknown_Categorie' => 'Please select an existing category.',
'no_image' => 'The picture you selected does not exist.',
'Admin_Categories_Title' => 'eCard Category Administration',
'Admin_Categories_Explain' => '<strong>Manage your categories:</strong><br /> Create, alter or delete them.',
'Category_Title' => 'Category Title',
'Category_not_found' => 'The category you are looking for does not exist.',
'Delete_Category' => 'Delete category',
'Delete_Category_Explain' => 'Delete categories.',
'New_category_created' => 'The new category has been entered successfully.',
'Click_return_ecard_category' => 'Click %shere%s to return to the eCard Category Administration',
'Category_updated' => 'This category has been updated successfully.',
'Category_deleted' => 'This category has been deleted successfully.',
'Admin_Images_Title' => 'eCard Picture Administration',
'Admin_Images_Explain' => '<strong>Delete or alter eCard-pictures:</strong><br /> You can also change the category a picture is assigned to.',
'Admin_show_Images' => 'List pictures',
'Image' => 'Picture',
'Upload_date' => 'Upload on',
'Counter' => 'Counter',
'Counter_Explain' => 'Sent as an eCard.',
'Counter2_Explain' => 'eCards sent.',
'Edit_Image' => 'Edit Picture',
'Categorie' => 'Category',
'Delete_Image' => 'Delete Picture',
'Delete_Image_Explain' => 'Delete eCard-pictures. Please note that the picture may have be used in stored eCards. After the deletion of the picture these ecards can still be read, however the picture is not shown.',
'images_eCards_nr' => 'Number of unread letters, which use this picture',
'images_eCards_ar' => 'Number of read letters, which use this picture',
'Image_updated' => 'This eCard picture has been updated successfully.',
'Image_deleted' => 'This eCard picture has been deleted successfully.',
'Click_return_ecard_image' => 'Click %shere%s to return to the eCard Picture Administration',
'not_updated' => 'The database has not been updated.',
'Missed_cat_title' => 'You must specify a title for the category.',
'Admin_Image_Upload' => 'eCard Picture Upload',
'Admin_Statistic_Title' => 'eCard Statistics<br /><span class="genmed"> An overall view of your eCard Statistics.</span>',
'Admin_Statistic1_Title' => 'Top Ten eCards',
'Admin_Statistic2_Title' => 'Top Ten eCard Users',
'no_stat_image' => 'No pictures available',
'Years' => 'years',
'Year' => 'year',
'Months' => 'months',
'Month' => 'month',
'Days' => 'days',
'Day' => 'day',
'Hours' => 'hours',
'Hour' => 'hour',
'Minutes' => 'minutes',
'Minute' => 'minute',
'Admin_eCard_Title' => 'eCard Database',
'Admin_eCard_Explain' => '<strong>A list of all eCards existing in the database:</strong><br /> eCards, older than %s, are deleted automatically.',
'Send_date' => 'sent on',
'Status' => 'status',
'Unread' => 'Unread',
'Read' => 'Read',
// END New Array - Ecard lang_ec
* @package Icy Phoenix Modifications
* @File $Id: lang_ecard.php
* @copyright (c) 2007 MagMo h**p://phpbb.mwegner.de/
* @email: <N/A>
* @license h**p://opensource.org/licenses/GPL-license.php GNU Public License
* @Extra credits for this file
* Modified for Icy Phoenix by Lopalong - 01-January-2009
// ------------[ Contributors ]-------------------
// Translated to "??" by "??"
// Website: "??"
if (!defined('IN_ICYPHOENIX'))
if (empty($lang) || !is_array($lang))
$lang = array();
$lang = array_merge($lang, array(
// START Ecard lang
'Viewing_ECard' => 'eCard',
'eCards_sent' => 'Sent eCards',
'ec_eCards' => 'eCards',
'ec_Categories' => 'Categories',
'ec_Images' => 'Images',
'ec_Upload' => 'Upload',
'ec_xStatistic' => 'Statistics',
'ec_items_required' => 'Items marked with a * are required.',
// END Ecard lang
// START New Array - Ecard lang_ec
if (empty($lang_ec) || !is_array($lang_ec))
$lang_ec = array();
$lang_ec = array_merge($lang_ec, array(
'ECard' => 'eCard',
'ECard_select' => 'select eCard',
'ECard_send' => 'send eCard',
'ECard_edit' => 'edit eCard',
'ECard_show_preview' => 'show preview',
'ECard_to' => 'to',
'ECard_from' => 'from',
'ECard_name' => 'Name',
'ECard_email' => 'email-address',
'ECard_message' => 'message',
'ECard_preview' => 'preview',
'ECard_stored' => 'Your eCard was sent.',
'ECard_not_stored' => 'Your eCard was NOT sent!',
'ECard_click_forum' => 'Click %sHere%s to return to the forum.',
'ECard_was_send' => 'This eCard has already been sent.<br /><br />Click %sHere%s to return to the eCard-gallery.',
'ECard_not_found' => 'The eCard you requested does not exist.',
'ECard_subject' => 'eCard from',
'ECard_notification_subject' => 'read your eCard',
'eCard_Upload_explain' => '<strong>Upload new eCard-pictures.</strong><br /> Thumbnails cannot be automatically created, because the PHP extension GD does not support the filetype GIF for copyright reasons.',
'Main_Categorie' => 'Main Category',
'Upload_Image' => 'Picture Upload',
'Image_Title' => 'Picture Title',
'Upload_Image_local' => 'Upload picture',
'Upload_Thumbnail' => 'Upload thumbnail',
'Upload_to_Category' => 'Upload to',
'Upload_thumbnail_explain' => 'A thumbnail is a small version of the picture.',
'allowed_Format' => 'Allowed filetypes',
'Max_file_size' => 'Maximum file size (bytes)',
'Max_tfile_size' => 'Maximum thumbnail-file size (bytes)',
'Max_width' => 'Maximum width (pixels)',
'Opt_width' => 'Optimal width (pixels)',
'Max_height' => 'Maximum height (pixels)',
'Thumbnail_size' => 'Maximum thumbnail width x height (pixels)',
'Upload_no_title' => 'You must enter a title for your picture.',
'Upload_no_file' => 'You must enter the path and the filename of the picture.',
'Upload_no_tfile' => 'You must enter the path and the filename of the thumbnail.',
'Upload_successful' => 'Your picture has been uploaded successfully.',
'Missed_pic_title' => 'You must enter a picture title.',
'Bad_upload_file_size' => 'Your uploaded picture is too large or corrupted.',
'Bad_upload_tfile_size' => 'Your uploaded thumbnail is too large or corrupted.',
'Not_allowed_file_type' => 'The file type of the picture is not allowed.',
'Not_allowed_tfile_type' => 'The file type of the thumbnail is not allowed.',
'Upload_image_size_too_big' => 'Your picture dimensions are too large.',
'Upload_thumbnail_size_too_big' => 'Your thumbnail dimensions are too large.',
'Click_return_ecard_upload' => 'Click %shere%s to return to the eCard-Upload',
'Title_too_long' => 'Your title is too long (max. %s Characters)',
'no_Categorie_selected' => 'No valid category was selected.',
'no_categories' => 'There is no category.',
'no_cat_images' => 'There are no pictures in this category.',
'no_images' => 'There are no eCards in this category.',
'unknown_Categorie' => 'unknown category',
'no_images_unknown_Categorie' => 'Please select an existing category.',
'no_image' => 'The picture you selected does not exist.',
'Admin_Categories_Title' => 'eCard Category Administration',
'Admin_Categories_Explain' => '<strong>Manage your categories:</strong><br /> Create, alter or delete them.',
'Category_Title' => 'Category Title',
'Category_not_found' => 'The category you are looking for does not exist.',
'Delete_Category' => 'Delete category',
'Delete_Category_Explain' => 'Delete categories.',
'New_category_created' => 'The new category has been entered successfully.',
'Click_return_ecard_category' => 'Click %shere%s to return to the eCard Category Administration',
'Category_updated' => 'This category has been updated successfully.',
'Category_deleted' => 'This category has been deleted successfully.',
'Admin_Images_Title' => 'eCard Picture Administration',
'Admin_Images_Explain' => '<strong>Delete or alter eCard-pictures:</strong><br /> You can also change the category a picture is assigned to.',
'Admin_show_Images' => 'List pictures',
'Image' => 'Picture',
'Upload_date' => 'Upload on',
'Counter' => 'Counter',
'Counter_Explain' => 'Sent as an eCard.',
'Counter2_Explain' => 'eCards sent.',
'Edit_Image' => 'Edit Picture',
'Categorie' => 'Category',
'Delete_Image' => 'Delete Picture',
'Delete_Image_Explain' => 'Delete eCard-pictures. Please note that the picture may have be used in stored eCards. After the deletion of the picture these ecards can still be read, however the picture is not shown.',
'images_eCards_nr' => 'Number of unread letters, which use this picture',
'images_eCards_ar' => 'Number of read letters, which use this picture',
'Image_updated' => 'This eCard picture has been updated successfully.',
'Image_deleted' => 'This eCard picture has been deleted successfully.',
'Click_return_ecard_image' => 'Click %shere%s to return to the eCard Picture Administration',
'not_updated' => 'The database has not been updated.',
'Missed_cat_title' => 'You must specify a title for the category.',
'Admin_Image_Upload' => 'eCard Picture Upload',
'Admin_Statistic_Title' => 'eCard Statistics<br /><span class="genmed"> An overall view of your eCard Statistics.</span>',
'Admin_Statistic1_Title' => 'Top Ten eCards',
'Admin_Statistic2_Title' => 'Top Ten eCard Users',
'no_stat_image' => 'No pictures available',
'Years' => 'years',
'Year' => 'year',
'Months' => 'months',
'Month' => 'month',
'Days' => 'days',
'Day' => 'day',
'Hours' => 'hours',
'Hour' => 'hour',
'Minutes' => 'minutes',
'Minute' => 'minute',
'Admin_eCard_Title' => 'eCard Database',
'Admin_eCard_Explain' => '<strong>A list of all eCards existing in the database:</strong><br /> eCards, older than %s, are deleted automatically.',
'Send_date' => 'sent on',
'Status' => 'status',
'Unread' => 'Unread',
'Read' => 'Read',
// END New Array - Ecard lang_ec