Greetings to all Coming from Slovenia,Looking for Slovenian translation
I want to translate icy phoenix to Slovenian i want to ask you wich language folder i have to edit and translate. or must i translate all folder? can you help and descript me ?
Thanks for the help
Looking For Lang_slovenian
Subject: Re: Looking For Lang_slovenian
You would have to translate one language folder and all of it's content (example: forum root/language/lang_english).
Note: be aware that a new Release Candidate of IcyPhoenix will be released soon, so it may be best to translate that one :wink:
Note: be aware that a new Release Candidate of IcyPhoenix will be released soon, so it may be best to translate that one :wink:
Subject: Re: Looking For Lang_slovenian
thanks for the reply,already doing translation 6 files I already have a translate
Subject: Re: Looking For Lang_slovenian
If you have questions about the translation, please feel free to ask. :mricy:
And maybe you want to share your work (6 files)
Create a .zip and upload it here.
bistly wrote: [View Post]
If you have questions about the translation, please feel free to ask. :mricy:
And maybe you want to share your work (6 files)
Create a .zip and upload it here.
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