Hi friends!
This is the Spanish package to Icy Phoenix (this reviewing the spelling in my site...)
Greets and enjoy!!!
Spanish Language package to IP
Subject: Re: Spanish Language Package To IP
MG the file is missing in the downloads section again, same as the Italian one was.
Subject: Re: Spanish Language Package To IP
Thanks for reporting this.
@MG: Please change filename :mricy: _cvs/lang_spanish_20070110_ip_1055.zip
Daggers wrote: [View Post]
Thanks for reporting this.
@MG: Please change filename :mricy: _cvs/lang_spanish_20070110_ip_1055.zip
Subject: Re: Spanish Language package to IP
Thanks for the notification... Download section updated.
Subject: Re: Spanish Language Package To IP
Thank you ThE KuKa but there a small problem looks
in english
and in spanish
mi web www.sparokx.bolhost.com
host: bolhost free
version: Icy Phoenix
in english

and in spanish

mi web www.sparokx.bolhost.com
host: bolhost free
version: Icy Phoenix
Subject: Re: Spanish Language package to IP
In don't now :oops: in new version review.
Please test a new package with JANU.
Close this topic, continue in This Topic please
Please test a new package with JANU.
Close this topic, continue in This Topic please
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