here is the german translation for Icy Phoenix without german buttons (TheSteffen is working on it) ;-)
German Language File IP 1066
Subject: Re: german language file IP 1055
Thanks KugeLSichA,
I will another time take a look at it by testing the new beta. :D
I will another time take a look at it by testing the new beta. :D
Subject: Re: German Language File IP 1055
i have found some missing translations in lang_german/lang_statistics.php
Subject: Re: German Language File IP 1055
Hi KugeLSichA,
please take a look for album translation here:
I've changed some little things. ;-)
please take a look for album translation here:
I've changed some little things. ;-)
Subject: Re: German Language File IP 1055
Hi TheSteffen,
thanks i marked this post...
i hope that i can do a new package with all new lines today
thanks i marked this post...
i hope that i can do a new package with all new lines today
Subject: Re: German Language File IP 1055
Hey Luca,
I tried to upload this file in download section but then I saw that u upload the files in an cvs folder and i dont know if new/edited downloads would be uploaded to that folder...
Please let me know. So i can do the upload next time by my own and you safe some time 8)
I tried to upload this file in download section but then I saw that u upload the files in an cvs folder and i dont know if new/edited downloads would be uploaded to that folder...
Please let me know. So i can do the upload next time by my own and you safe some time 8)
Subject: Re: German Language File IP 1066
Some thinks to change ;-)
and I think, this one should be changed ;-)
KugeLSichA Edit: I have choosen Download Mod ;-)
and I think, this one should be changed ;-)
KugeLSichA Edit: I have choosen Download Mod ;-)
Subject: Re: German Language File IP 1055
little error in lang_main
OPEN lang_main
OPEN lang_main
$lang['Errors_401_Full'] = 'Du erhältst diese Fehlermeldung, weil du nicht berechtigt bist, diese Adresse aufzurufen.';
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