Catala Language for Icy Phoenix RC 1.

Subject: Catala Language for Icy Phoenix RC 1.
Hello people.

Finally I have finished the language.
In this new version there were many changes, but it is here… :mrorange:

Enjoy It !!!

PS: For the lang_spanish users, have a little patience, that already I have it very advanced and soon I will launch it... :roll:

You can find the file in download section

Subject: Re: Catala Language For Icy Phoenix RC 1.
JANU1535 wrote: [View Post]

PS: For the lang_spanish users, have a little patience, that already I have it very advanced and soon I will launch it... :roll:

ok ... i have patience

Subject: Re: Catala Language for Icy Phoenix RC 1.
Great work JANU!

I need help to Spanish Package? 8)

Subject: Re: Catala Language for Icy Phoenix RC 1.
I believe that not kuka.
Since now I help to the translation of català and the translation will be much more easy to me.
And this already advanced enough.

Greets ;)

Subject: Re: Catala Language For Icy Phoenix RC 1.
Good work Janu, thanks!

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Subject: Re: Catala Language For Icy Phoenix RC 1.
:mrviolet: :mrviolet: :mrviolet: :mrviolet:

Thanks JANU1535!!!!

Subject: Re: Catala Language for Icy Phoenix RC 1.
Great JANU I'll add this soon in Download section.


Subject: Re: Catala Language For Icy Phoenix RC 1.
Great Work!
Thanks JANU1535! ;)

Subject: Re: Catala Language for Icy Phoenix RC 1.
Thanks JANU1535

I have updated teh first post.

You can find the file in download section

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Subject: Re: Catala Language For Icy Phoenix RC 1.
Great Work! JANU1535 :shock:

Patience for lang_spanish xD :wink:

Subject: Re: Catala Language for Icy Phoenix RC 1.
Please don't go offtopic here we talk only about catalá ip language

Subject: Re: Catala Language For Icy Phoenix RC 1.
If you need some help to translate or fix any mistake please contact me...

see you ;)

Subject: Re: Catala Language for Icy Phoenix RC 1.
bartges90 wrote: [View Post]
If you need some help to translate or fix any mistake please contact me...

see you ;)

Thanks for your offer.

JANU, since you are now coordinating the Spanish/Catala translation together with ThE KuKa, if you need help I can add him in the Translation group.

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