Where Do I Find Imageset.cfg File For MGthemes Or FkThemes?

Subject: Where Do I Find Imageset.cfg File For MGthemes Or FkThemes?
I want to edit the imageset.cfg file to finalize some changes to the header or banner. I see where the file is normally in styles/black_pearl/imageset directory or other style in same location but where is the cfg file for mgthemes?

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Subject: Re: Where Do I Find Imageset.cfg File For MGthemes Or FkThem
templatesfk_themes --> fk_themes.cfg

templatesmg_themes --> mg_themes.cfg

is this what u need ?

Jaculus wrote: [View Post]
I want to edit the imageset.cfg file to finalize some changes to the header or banner.

for this you need only to edit style_ice.css and overall_header.tpl [pictures are in templatesmg_themesimagesice] for icyphoenix style (for other styles name of "style_ice.css and overall_header.tpl" are maybe different .
For example for blue pearl style names are style_p_blue.css and overall_header_bl.tpl [pictures are in templatesmg_themesimagesp_blue]

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