A previous attempt to install failed, when I tried to install after correcting the error, I get the below. I have deleted the 'old' database area, and then reallocated it, but still get this error. I have no idea what it wants me to correct.....
Henri Monnier
= = = = = =
Critical Error!
message_die() was called multiple times.
Error #1
Line : 71
File : /misc/10/000/262/990/8/user/web/blueridgemountainphotographers.com/forumi/ctracker/classes/class_ct_database.php
SQL : SELECT * FROM icy_ctracker_config
Error #2
Error doing DB query userdata row fetch
Line : 536
File : /misc/10/000/262/990/8/user/web/blueridgemountainphotographers.com/forumi/includes/sessions.php
SQL : SELECT u.*, s.* FROM icy_sessions s, icy_users u WHERE s.session_ip = '4aeacf7b' AND s.session_user_id = -1 AND u.user_id = s.session_user_id LIMIT 0, 1
Please, contact the webmaster. Thank you.