I am still having trouble with http://haynesville.org, but I started a new topic, because the issue is so different than the other.
The only page that will load is http://www.haynesville.org/installallattion/database_update.php . The install script will no longer load either. The home page loads, but none of the tables will load. I have tried this in four different browsers and Opera delivered a message that I hope will be helpful.
My sql server is access through port 3306 and the message I am getting from Opera is, "You tried to access the address http://www.haynesville.org/login_ip.php, which is currently unavailable. Please make sure that the Web address (URL) is correctly spelled and punctuated, then try reloading the page."
I tried to login and the url I am being directed to is http://haynesville.org:3306/index.p...3b3e6ab4058ce56 . Note the port number. I think this has something to do with my issue. I input this in the database using phpMyAdmin in the config table for server_port setting. That is the port number through which my sql server is accessed. I thought It might be the problem so I change it to port 80 in case it was supposed to be the web server port number.
It does not seem to have fixed the problem.
In a nut shell, the site only comes up partially except for the above mentioned page. When I try to login, I either get timeout errors or I am told that login_ip.php is not available. (Yes, it is there.)
Any help is much appreciated.