there is no feature in the
ACP to remove the hot or not link you have to remove it from the tpl file... the only way..
open templates/default/album_box.tpl
and find
<td class="row1" height="50" colspan="{catfooter.cat_public_footer.FOOTER_COL_SPAN}" onmouseover="this.className='row2';" onmouseout="this.className='row1';">
<span class="forumlink"> {NAV_DOT} <a href="{U_ALBUM_HON}" class="cattitle">{L_ALBUM_HON}</a></span>
<td class="row1" height="50" colspan="{catfooter.cat_public_footer.FOOTER_COL_SPAN}" onmouseover="this.className='row2';" onmouseout="this.className='row1';">
<span class="forumlink"> {NAV_DOT} <a href="{U_ALBUM_HON}" class="cattitle">{L_ALBUM_HON}</a></span>
if you ever want to use the link in the future just do the reverse of the above..
Hope that helps..
Mods and themes for Icy Phoenix 1.3
IcyPhoenix UK is off-line permanently due to lack of time to update mods.
if anyone is interested in my templates I will upgrade them to Icy 2.0.