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Post Zen Cart And PhpbbXs 
Hello everyone, I've done a search for zen cart and can't find anything here in the forums on it. Zen Cart apparently has a 'level of integration' with phpbb. Does this cross over to phpBBXS?

Basically what I need is a way to have Zen Cart and phpbb work together so that when one person logs in, they have the same username and forum for the entire site and don't have to log in anywhere else separately or with a different username.

currently, from what I can work out, people can login to zen but then need to login to phpBBXS using identical login details.

Is there anyway around this? can anyone assist me to achieve my goal?

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Post Re: Zen Cart And PhpbbXs 
I think that if it's possible to have the same username for Store and phpBB with phpBB included in Zen-Cart installation package, then you can try to update that phpBB to phpBBXS, or not?
I didn't ever install Zen-Cart with phpBB, but if I'll find some free time I'll give a try and let you know.


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