Re: How To Solve This Error?
I have never seen that error with .27c unless I have changed some code and messed it up...
the latest version of icy can be found here but it is a RC2 version
these are mine lines on index.php from 144 to 155 are yours different..
- if ( ($userdata['user_level'] == ADMIN) || ($userdata['user_cms_level'] >= CMS_CONTENT_MANAGER))
- {
- $cms_acp_url = '<br /><br /><div style="text-align:center;">';
- $cms_acp_url .= '<a href="' . append_sid('cms.' . $phpEx . '?mode=blocks&l_id=' . $layout) . '">' . $lang['CMS_ACP'] . '</a>';
- $cms_acp_url .= '</div>';
- }
- else
- {
- $cms_acp_url = '';
- }
- cms_parse_blocks($layout, false, false, '');
Mods and themes for Icy Phoenix 1.3
IcyPhoenix UK is off-line permanently due to lack of time to update mods.
if anyone is interested in my templates I will upgrade them to Icy 2.0.