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 CMS Table Not Upgrade After Upgrade To RC2
I need some help to upgrade my CMS block table. I upgrade my site to new RC2 version and my CMS block table not upgrade correctly.
Could not insert data into blocks table
SQL Error : 1054 Unknown column 'border' in 'field list'
UPDATE phpbb_cms_blocks SET title = 'Fujitsu', bposition = 'c', active = '1', type = '0', content = '', blockfile = 'blocks_imp_recent_topics', layout = '1', layout_special = '0', view = '', border = '0', titlebar = '0', local = '0', background = '0', groups = '' WHERE bid = 28
Line : 704
File : cms.php
Thank you and have a great day
#1 Thu 21 May, 2009 16:10 |

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 Re: CMS Table Not Upgrade After Upgrade To RC2
run the upgrade script again... mine did that some of the tables did not upgrade the first time...
let me know
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#2 Thu 21 May, 2009 19:31 |
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 Re: CMS Table Not Upgrade After Upgrade To RC2
I re-ran database_update script but did not give any option beside these info and not clickable or process.
Installed phpBB version :: 2.0.23 » Latest release :: 2.0.23
Installed Icy Phoenix version :: » Latest release ::
Database Type :: mysql4
File Writing :: Your server seems to support files creation and editing.
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#3 Thu 21 May, 2009 21:13 |
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 Re: CMS Table Not Upgrade After Upgrade To RC2
hmmm strange kinda stump at the moment...
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#4 Thu 21 May, 2009 21:58 |
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 Re: CMS Table Not Upgrade After Upgrade To RC2
i think i know the reason
did you haved in past CMS ADV instaled ?
check this and tell me
in table cms_blocks do you have column border and titlebar or border_explain and titlebar_explain ?
EDIT :if yes try this
ALTER TABLE `ip_cms_blocks` CHANGE `border_explain` `border` TINYINT( 1 ) NOT NULL DEFAULT '1'
ALTER TABLE `ip_cms_blocks` CHANGE `titlebar_explain` `titlebar` TINYINT( 1 ) NOT NULL DEFAULT '1'
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#5 Thu 21 May, 2009 22:13 |
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 Re: CMS Table Not Upgrade After Upgrade To RC2
You're absolutely right, I had CMS advance before.
Field Type Collation Attributes Null Default Extra Action
bid int(10) No auto_increment
layout int(10) No 0
layout_special int(10) No 0
title varchar(60) latin1_swedish_ci No
content text latin1_swedish_ci No
bposition char(2) latin1_swedish_ci No
weight int(10) No 1
active tinyint(1) No 1
blockfile varchar(255) latin1_swedish_ci No
view tinyint(1) No 0
type tinyint(1) No 1
border_explain tinytext latin1_swedish_ci No
titlebar_explain tinytext latin1_swedish_ci No
background tinyint(1) No 1
local tinyint(1) No 0
edit_auth tinyint(1) No 5
#6 Thu 21 May, 2009 22:26 |
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 Re: CMS Table Not Upgrade After Upgrade To RC2
than try that from my post above ...i think it will help
if not change it manualy in phpmyadmin
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#7 Thu 21 May, 2009 22:39 |
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 Re: CMS Table Not Upgrade After Upgrade To RC2
nice one thanks Limun..
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IcyPhoenix UK is off-line permanently due to lack of time to update mods.
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#8 Thu 21 May, 2009 22:53 |
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 Re: CMS Table Not Upgrade After Upgrade To RC2
Thank you Linum. I changed it manually and come up with different error message:
Could not insert data into blocks table
SQL Error : 1054 Unknown column 'border' in 'field list'
INSERT INTO phpbb_cms_blocks (bid, title, content, bposition, weight, active, type, blockfile, view, layout, layout_special, border, titlebar, background, local, groups) VALUES ('36', 'Welcome', '', 'c', '1', '1', '0', 'blocks_imp_recent_topics_wide', '', '1', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '')
Line : 798
File : cms.php
FYI: Just in case someone don't want to change it mannual.
ALTER TABLE `ip_cms_blocks` CHANGE `border_explain` `border_explain` TINYINT NOT NULL DEFAULT '1'
ALTER TABLE `ip_cms_blocks` CHANGE `titlebar_explain` `titlebar_explain` TINYINT NOT NULL DEFAULT '1'
#9 Thu 21 May, 2009 23:47 |
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 Re: CMS Table Not Upgrade After Upgrade To RC2
i dont understand , did you solved ?
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#10 Thu 21 May, 2009 23:55 |
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 Re: CMS Table Not Upgrade After Upgrade To RC2
sorry  i have't solved it yet. After changed the table that way you suggested, I have differrent error message (in last post). By any chance, do you have any other suggestion?
Thank you in advance,
#11 Fri 22 May, 2009 00:13 |
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 Re: CMS Table Not Upgrade After Upgrade To RC2
can i see your cms_blocks table
this one
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#12 Fri 22 May, 2009 00:17 |
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 Re: CMS Table Not Upgrade After Upgrade To RC2
That's fixed it.
Thank you again
for those who have same problem, i did the following:
- add "block_bbcode_uid" field
- change "border_explain" to "border" and "titlebar_explain" to "titlebar" and make default "1"
#13 Fri 22 May, 2009 07:51 |
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