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Post Hello. News Member On This Board. 

I have seen your board, I know that this one is using the famous CH mod from ptifo.clanmckeen.

This board is great, it is one of the most completed and developped from Category Hierarchy.

Nevertheless, I have done a choice : CH or not CH

I have chosen CH, but most of the mods for the phpbb2 are not the same than those ones for mod CH.

When I have seen your board, I have seen lots of mods.

So , can you help me to mod my CH Board, can you explain me the adaptations that you have done for some mods, please?

For exemple, in older versions of phpBBXS, it has been rewritten to the url. What script do you use, in wich file.

I just need it so as to be able to master all scripts and mod of my board.

Thank you. Gracie mile.

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Post Re: Hello. News Member On This Board. 
Hi krystian, thank you for the compliments about XS... but I didn't do all the work on my own.

Most of the CH integrations have been made by Bicet.

The Rewrite URL has been implemented by him.

At the moment I can't find the original mod used here... but I think you can easily integrate this:


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