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Post Blank pages - not memory related 
I have been trying out XS (049 upgraded to 059rc3, but I suspect same would occur with 058) on a new host, all seemed to work well until I made a few posts. Suddenly the page went blank, and I can't seem to get a php error message (possibly same problem as noted_dragon).

I have changed memory limit in php.ini from 8Mb to 12Mb to 32Mb:
memory_limit = 32M

(After this failed, I also tried setting it in common.php).

Still no success. I noticed in my server error log the following error:

[notice] cannot use a full URL in a 401 ErrorDocument directive --- ignoring!

which would suggest some authorisation problem, but I do not see how!

Has anybody come across anything like this?

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Post Re: Blank pages - not memory related 
Ok, forgot to say what I did to get around this problem. It seems to be related to categoried heirarchy caching system - I disabled caching to includes/def_tree, cleared the generated contents, and the everything could be viewed once more.

The way to disable caching is to open includes/functions_categories_hierarchy.php

Near the top, I commented out: define('CACHE_TREE', true);

(It even tells you that you can do this in the file!)

Whilst it works, its strange that this error occured... I think it might be due to a broken table somewhere, but I cannot get to the bottom of this in db maintenance.

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Post Re: Blank pages - not memory related 
Yes, sometimes blank pages are related to def_tree.php being corrupted...

I'm curious to test XS with and without caching forum tree to check the speed difference.

I'll do some tests.

Thank you for reporting this.

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