[SOLVED] - Only Forum
Subject: [SOLVED] - Only Forum
Last edited by struja on Sun 23 Aug, 2009 14:02; edited 1 time in total
Is it possible to use only forum from icy phoenix? And not the main page
Last edited by struja on Sun 23 Aug, 2009 14:02; edited 1 time in total
Subject: Re: Only Forum
you can.
take forum.php from your local ICY copy and rename it to Index.php
just upload that to your server and you got 2 identical pages. keep a copy of your original index.php for the case you want to restore sometime.
This is the easy way, so you don´t need to change any link´s
take forum.php from your local ICY copy and rename it to Index.php
just upload that to your server and you got 2 identical pages. keep a copy of your original index.php for the case you want to restore sometime.
This is the easy way, so you don´t need to change any link´s
Subject: Re: Only Forum
The "Other" way is to open /includes/constants.php
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define('CMS_PAGE_HOME', 'index.' . PHP_EXT);
Change To:
define('CMS_PAGE_HOME', 'forum.' . PHP_EXT);
define('CMS_PAGE_HOME', 'index.' . PHP_EXT);
Change To:
define('CMS_PAGE_HOME', 'forum.' . PHP_EXT);
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