I want to introduce php code in a block (HTML based), how can I do it?
Thanks for replies!!
SOLVED How To Add Php Code In A Block?
Subject: Re: How To Add Php Code In A Block?
The best (and currently only) way to use php in a block is to actually create your own block. Study the existing blocks to get an idea of how they work - for example you may need to access existing system variables - you do this by using "global", e.g. global db; for using phpBB derived SQL functions. You need to follow the same file naming conventions (blocks_imp_yourblock.php) and create also template block (yourblock_block.tpl). You must make sure you define your code within a function of same name as block, e.g. function imp_yourblock_block_func()... Its not too hard ;)
Subject: Re: How To Add Php Code In A Block?
moreteavicar thanks!!
I'm going to prove it.
I'll be back... :wink:
Edit: Perfect!!! It's run OK!! Very thanks moreteavicar!!
I'm going to prove it.
I'll be back... :wink:
Edit: Perfect!!! It's run OK!! Very thanks moreteavicar!!
Subject: Re: How To Add Php Code In A Block?
Great... before long you'll be starting to make new blocks for Icy Phoenix too ;)
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