The problem is the following one:
Parse error: syntax error, unexpected $end in /home2/kokforos/public_html/foro/pafiledb/includes/functions.php on line 878
Actualize the Web by the recent archives but of ICY but already continues giving he himself problem to me.
This is only when they are tried to make unloadings, for example:
Also it gives he himself error me from ACP>Downloads
Some possible solution?
Parse Error: Syntax Error
Subject: Re: Parse Error: Syntax Error
The problem persisting... :|
I re-upload the files:
novice programmer wrote: [View Post]
The problem persisting... :|
I re-upload the files:
Subject: Re: Parse Error: Syntax Error
Never, the problem up!
I Repair & Optimize Tables and print this:
novice programmer wrote: [View Post]
Never, the problem up!
I Repair & Optimize Tables and print this:
- Parse error: syntax error, unexpected $end, expecting T_OLD_FUNCTION or T_FUNCTION or T_VAR or '}' in /home2/kokforos/public_html/foro/pafiledb/includes/functions_pafiledb.php on line 102
Subject: Re: Parse Error: Syntax Error
That file is corrupted... I can say for sure.
Try to download again the package and reupload it using another FTP client.
Try to download again the package and reupload it using another FTP client.
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