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 Black Pearl Theme For PHPBB 3.0.8 With QA Captcha Enabled - Problem?
Having a problem with QA Captcha with the Black Pearl Theme you designed for PHPBB on the registration page.
It does not display the Qualifying Question, can you take a look? It works ok with other themes, but I'm trying to get it working properly.
Have a look here:
Head to "register", accept terms and you will see the QA captcha.
Thanks for your help
#1 Thu 20 Jan, 2011 08:24 |

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 Re: Black Pearl Theme For PHPBB 3.0.8 With QA Captcha Enabled - Problem?
looks like you forgot to add some code there, or something is missing in langfile.
your talking about question , right?
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#2 Thu 20 Jan, 2011 08:39 |
Joshua 203
Dutch A Go Go

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 Re: Black Pearl Theme For PHPBB 3.0.8 With QA Captcha Enabled - Problem?
First of all did you ever create a question? (EDIT: pretend i never asked this, because it s not possible to enable Q&A without at least one question  )
if yes can you confirm you are using black pearl 1.6.3 ?
____________ www.DutchaGoGo.com (development/under construction ...Forever?¿?)
#3 Thu 20 Jan, 2011 10:20 |
Joined: January 2011
Posts: 6
 Re: Black Pearl Theme For PHPBB 3.0.8 With QA Captcha Enabled - Problem?
Yes, I did create a question which displays correctly with Subsilver and other themes. Also it is BP ver 1.6.3, correct.
#4 Thu 20 Jan, 2011 23:19 |
Joshua 203
Dutch A Go Go

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 Re: Black Pearl Theme For PHPBB 3.0.8 With QA Captcha Enabled - Problem?
this is what should be in captcha_qa.html
<th colspan="2" valign="middle">{L_CONFIRM_QUESTION}</th>
<td class="row1"><b class="genmed">{QA_CONFIRM_QUESTION}:</b><br /><span class="gensmall">{L_CONFIRM_QUESTION_EXPLAIN}</span></td>
<td class="row2"><input class="post" type="text" name="qa_answer" size="80" /></td>
<input type="hidden" name="qa_confirm_id" id="confirm_id" value="{QA_CONFIRM_ID}" /></td>
and this should be the part that is replaced by a question:
can you check if that is the same?
____________ www.DutchaGoGo.com (development/under construction ...Forever?¿?)
#5 Thu 20 Jan, 2011 23:40 |
Joined: January 2011
Posts: 6
 Re: Black Pearl Theme For PHPBB 3.0.8 With QA Captcha Enabled - Problem?
Yep that is exactly right, as it appears in my template.
#6 Fri 21 Jan, 2011 10:07 |
Joshua 203
Dutch A Go Go

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 Re: Black Pearl Theme For PHPBB 3.0.8 With QA Captcha Enabled - Problem?
do you have more than one board language installed maybe?
____________ www.DutchaGoGo.com (development/under construction ...Forever?¿?)
#7 Fri 21 Jan, 2011 13:29 |
Joined: January 2011
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 Re: Black Pearl Theme For PHPBB 3.0.8 With QA Captcha Enabled - Problem?
Just English installed. Guess I'll have to go with another template
#8 Wed 26 Jan, 2011 21:48 |
Joshua 203
Dutch A Go Go

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 Re: Black Pearl Theme For PHPBB 3.0.8 With QA Captcha Enabled - Problem?
I really think you need to check again what i posted earlier, the way your board looked before you set it to a different captcha is how it would look if captcha_qa.html contains 2x L_CONFIRM_QUESTION .... the second one needs to be changed into QA_CONFIRM_QUESTION to make it work correct
this is really a known error in version 1.62 corrected in version 1.63
I would also like to inform you that your black pearl is not fully updated because right now your board does not show the New posts, New posts [ Popular ], New posts [ Locked ] icons
____________ www.DutchaGoGo.com (development/under construction ...Forever?¿?)
#9 Wed 26 Jan, 2011 23:00 |
Joined: January 2011
Posts: 6
 Re: Black Pearl Theme For PHPBB 3.0.8 With QA Captcha Enabled - Problem?
Ok, so just to clear things up, I just reinstalled 1.6.3, and the contents of captcha_qa.html appears as such:
<tr><th colspan="2" valign="middle">{L_CONFIRM_QUESTION}</th></tr>
<td class="row1"><b class="genmed">{QA_CONFIRM_QUESTION}:</b><br /><span class="gensmall">{L_CONFIRM_QUESTION_EXPLAIN}</span></td>
<td class="row2"><input class="post" type="text" name="qa_answer" size="80" /><input type="hidden" name="qa_confirm_id" id="confirm_id" value="{QA_CONFIRM_ID}" /></td>
I now have QA captcha enabled on the site, if anyone can take a look, it still has the same behavior.
Edited by Joshua203, Sun 30 Jan, 2011 13:39: editted codetags in around the posted code |
#10 Sun 30 Jan, 2011 03:40 |
Joshua 203
Dutch A Go Go

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 Re: Black Pearl Theme For PHPBB 3.0.8 With QA Captcha Enabled - Problem?
Can you refresh the black pearl template in ACP and also purge the cache please?
Just to make sure this is not the cause of all trouble because i can't think of any other reason TBH (at my own board this works as it should and i use BP too)
____________ www.DutchaGoGo.com (development/under construction ...Forever?¿?)
#11 Sun 30 Jan, 2011 13:18 |
Joined: January 2011
Posts: 6
 Re: Black Pearl Theme For PHPBB 3.0.8 With QA Captcha Enabled - Problem?
Yep that was it, old version was stuck in the cache. Thanks for all your help. Working great now.
#12 Mon 31 Jan, 2011 02:52 |
Joshua 203
Dutch A Go Go

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 Re: Black Pearl Theme For PHPBB 3.0.8 With QA Captcha Enabled - Problem?
Pitty it took us so long hehehe ... you re welcome  , I'll mark this one solved for you
One may wonder if it is smart to give the anser in the question
and i hope you know you have at least one but i think 2 other problems to solve? (the header height and the breadcrumbs text)
____________ www.DutchaGoGo.com (development/under construction ...Forever?¿?)
#13 Mon 31 Jan, 2011 02:59 |
Joined: August 2011
Posts: 4
 Re: Black Pearl Theme For PHPBB 3.0.8 With QA Captcha Enabled - Problem?
Joshua203 wrote: [View Post] do you have more than one board language installed maybe?
And how does the number of languages in the board influence the issue? since i've got three..
#14 Fri 19 Aug, 2011 14:19 |
Joshua 203
Dutch A Go Go

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Location:  Earth, Europe, the Netherlands, Rotterdam
 Re: Black Pearl Theme For PHPBB 3.0.8 With QA Captcha Enabled - Problem?
Simple ..you need to create at least 1 question per language, but since you're crossposting both in Icy and phpbb threads I don't think this will matter much to you
____________ www.DutchaGoGo.com (development/under construction ...Forever?¿?)
#15 Fri 19 Aug, 2011 15:03 |
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