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Post Black Pearl Help 
thats my forum, I want to know how I can make the white cover the entire top so I can make a banner there and also how can I make my forum like this : http://www.kwswrestling.net/

see the banner is big and then below it it has pics in a table, I want to be able to make mine like that.

thanks for help

KillaCamSend private message  
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Post Re: Black Pearl Help 
i'm not sure i understand what you mean by the white (i don t have lots of white in black pearl except for some text), but it all comes down to what you want to do exactly so maybe you can describe it alittle better?

if you would like to make your banner in .png format you could easily replace /styles/black_pearl/imageset/sitelogo_small.png with your own and set the size for it in /styles/black_pearl/imageset/imageset.cfg (the numbers in there are the size)

if you would do it this way you might want to delete the site-name and site-description code lines from the overall_header.html (to make it center properly)

that code would look something like this:
Code: [Download] [Hide] [Select]
<td align="center" valign="middle"><h1><font color="#AA0000" size="5px"><b><i><u>{SITENAME}</u></i></b></font></h1><span class="gen"><font color="lime"><b><i>{SITE_DESCRIPTION}</i></b></font></span></td>

for your second question ... there's many ways to do this you could even try using the announcement-centre mod wich would give you several extra options (like showing something different to members and guests, modify/update the table in ACP, choosing on wich pages it shows, etc.)

whatever you choose to do you need to add the code at the bottom of overall_header.html to place it below the menubar

www.DutchaGoGo.com (development/under construction ...Forever?¿?)
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Post Re: Black Pearl Help 
i am no good at this thing:(  I changed the number for width and it still same size here is code and what i changed

Code: [Download] [Hide] [Select]
# phpBB Imageset Configuration File
# @package phpBB3
# @copyright (c) 2005 phpBB Group
# @license http://opensource.org/licenses/GPL-license.php GNU Public License
# At the left is the name, please do not change this
# At the right the value is entered
# For on/off options the valid values are on, off, 1, 0, true and false
# Values get trimmed, if you want to add a space in front or at the end of
# the value, then enclose the value with single or double quotes.
# Single and double quotes do not need to be escaped.

# General Information about this style
name = Black Pearl
copyright = Mighty Gorgon &copy; 2009
version = 1.6.0

# Images
img_site_logo = sitelogo_small.png*600*150
img_upload_bar = upload_bar.gif*16*280
img_poll_left = poll_left.gif*12*5
img_poll_center = poll_center.gif*12*1
img_poll_right = poll_right.gif*12*5
img_icon_friend =
img_icon_foe =

img_forum_link = forum_link.png*31*31
img_forum_read = forum_read.png*31*31
img_forum_read_locked = forum_read_locked.png*31*31
img_forum_read_subforum = forum_read_subforum.png*31*31
img_forum_unread = forum_unread.png*31*31
img_forum_unread_locked = forum_unread_locked.png*31*31
img_forum_unread_subforum = forum_unread_subforum.png*31*31

img_topic_moved = topic_moved.png*17*17

img_topic_read = topic_read.png*17*17
img_topic_read_mine = topic_read_mine.png*17*17
img_topic_read_locked = topic_read_locked.png*17*17
img_topic_read_locked_mine = topic_read_locked_mine.png*17*17
img_topic_unread = topic_unread.png*17*17
img_topic_unread_mine = topic_unread_mine.png*17*17
img_topic_unread_locked = topic_unread_locked.png*17*17
img_topic_unread_locked_mine = topic_unread_locked_mine.png*17*17

img_topic_read_hot = topic_read_hot.png*17*17
img_topic_read_hot_mine = topic_read_hot_mine.png*17*17
img_topic_unread_hot = topic_unread_hot.png*17*17
img_topic_unread_hot_mine = topic_unread_hot_mine.png*17*17

img_sticky_read = important_read.png*17*17
img_sticky_read_mine = important_read_mine.png*17*17
img_sticky_read_locked = important_read_locked.png*17*17
img_sticky_read_locked_mine = important_read_locked_mine.png*17*17
img_sticky_unread = important_unread.png*17*17
img_sticky_unread_mine = important_unread_mine.png*17*17
img_sticky_unread_locked = important_unread_locked.png*17*17
img_sticky_unread_locked_mine = important_unread_locked_mine.png*17*17

img_announce_read = announce_read.png*17*17
img_announce_read_mine = announce_read_mine.png*17*17
img_announce_read_locked = announce_read_locked.png*17*17
img_announce_read_locked_mine = announce_read_locked_mine.png*17*17
img_announce_unread = announce_unread.png*17*17
img_announce_unread_mine = announce_unread_mine.png*17*17
img_announce_unread_locked = announce_unread_locked.png*17*17
img_announce_unread_locked_mine = announce_unread_locked_mine.png*17*17

img_global_read = announce_global_read.png*17*17
img_global_read_mine = announce_global_read_mine.png*17*17
img_global_read_locked = announce_global_read_locked.png*17*17
img_global_read_locked_mine = announce_global_read_locked_mine.png*17*17
img_global_unread = announce_global_unread.png*17*17
img_global_unread_mine = announce_global_unread_mine.png*17*17
img_global_unread_locked = announce_global_unread_locked.png*17*17
img_global_unread_locked_mine = announce_global_unread_locked_mine.png*17*17

img_subforum_read =
img_subforum_unread =

img_pm_read = topic_read.png*17*17
img_pm_unread = topic_unread.png*17*17

img_icon_back_top =

img_icon_post_target = icon_post_target.gif*9*7
img_icon_post_target_unread = icon_post_target_unread.gif*9*7

img_icon_topic_attach = icon_topic_attach.gif*16*16
img_icon_topic_latest = icon_topic_latest.gif*9*18
img_icon_topic_newest = icon_topic_newest.gif*9*18
img_icon_topic_reported = icon_topic_reported.png*17*17
img_icon_topic_unapproved = icon_topic_unapproved.png*17*17

where can i find this announcement thing you speak of?  

Again thank you for help  

KillaCamSend private message  
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Post Re: Black Pearl Help 
Hi again,

To view the changes you made at least refresh the imageset in your ACP after editing (if that's not enough .. clear your browser and maybe even purge the forum cache (also in ACP)

A link to this announcement centre mod (by Lefty74) would be...

Keep in mind i m not sure it 's suitable for what you want but it may be worth looking into

Greetings, ..Joshua203

www.DutchaGoGo.com (development/under construction ...Forever?¿?)
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Post Re: Black Pearl Help 
LOL I feel like an idiot...I was editing the file in notpad and didnt realize you can do it in the ACP.....

anyway I got the logo figured out but how can i get rid of the space on the right of it?  I changed the width but it just pushes it over here is link so you can see what I mean ...the white is where logo will be once i make it and to the right i cant get that space to go away http://wlxstreams.site11.com/forum/

oh and i checked out that announcement thing and it seems to be exactly what I want   I will just have to see if I am able to install it correctly LOL


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Post Re: Black Pearl Help 
KillaCam wrote: [View Post]
LOL I feel like an idiot...I was editing the file in notpad and didnt realize you can do it in the ACP.....

well i know you can but have never used that feature either (i use notepad, notepad++ or one of my cpanel editors depending on the system i m on and where the file is located at the time of editing)

KillaCam wrote: [View Post]
anyway I got the logo figured out but how can i get rid of the space on the right of it?

i 'm gonna refer  to my first reply for that

Joshua203 wrote: [View Post]
if you would do it this way you might want to delete the site-name and site-description code lines from the overall_header.html (to make it center properly)

that code would look something like this:
Code: [Download] [Hide] [Select]
<td align="center" valign="middle"><h1><font color="#AA0000" size="5px"><b><i><u>{SITENAME}</u></i></b></font></h1><span class="gen"><font color="lime"><b><i>{SITE_DESCRIPTION}</i></b></font></span></td>

in your case this would be

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<td align="center" valign="middle"><h1></h1><span class="gen"></span></td>
<td align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td>

i m unshure about that last line (the second <td> line), so you may need to check it out with and without that line to see the difference

KillaCam wrote: [View Post]
...the white is where logo will be once i make it and to the right i cant get that space to go away http://wlxstreams.site11.com/forum/

yeah now i see the white, it was hard to understand because it looks like that only on your board so i needed a link to understand

www.DutchaGoGo.com (development/under construction ...Forever?¿?)
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