phpBB3 Album

Subject: phpBB3 Album


Hi all,
I have finally started creating an album for phpBB 3.

The process will require a lot of time because I want to do things properly.

I will need help with several tasks... some easy and some hard... so if anyone is interested in helping me, please contact me.

There are also tasks for non PHP experts... I need only people really willing to help...

Depending on the total amount of time and resources spent in the creation process I will then decide how to release and support this mod.


  • ACP - Album Management 80%
  • ACP - Permissions 70%
  • ACP - Configuration 70%
  • Album Index 70%
  • Categories 60%
  • Pic Page 70%
  • Images Management 90%
  • Pics Upload 40%
  • Comments 80%
  • Album Moderation 10%
  • Personal Galleries 0%
  • Rating System 0%
  • Install Script 30%

P.S.: I'm expecting around 5 to 10 people per month asking expected releasing time or if they will be able to upgrade... and so on... please redirect those people to this post. If you are asking one of the previous question the answer is: "I'm currently coding this huge mod alone... if you want to speed up things, try to ask if you can do something, either donating or helping me with some tasks." :wink:

Subject: Re: phpBB3 Album
If you think I can help you in some tasks, then tell me what I have to do! :wink:

Subject: Re: PhpBB3 Album
I'm available to help you if you want to.
You know I'm not a PHP expert, but I can understand & create PHP code perfectly; that means I can code and help to find errors if there are.

The only problem is that I have only 2 hours a day to help you because exams are very soon ;)

Greets! :mri:

Subject: Re: PhpBB3 Album
That's just great :D
Looking forward for the phpBB3 album

What about a donatebutton in your post...?? :mryellow:

Subject: Re: phpBB3 Album
Here is a small update:

  • ACP - Album Management 80%
  • ACP - Permissions 70%
  • ACP - Configuration 5%
  • Album Index 70%
  • Categories 60%
  • Pic Page 50%
  • Images Management 90%
  • Pics Upload 40%
  • Comments 80%
  • Personal Galleries 0%
  • Rating System 0%
  • Install Script 10%

xaphoon wrote: [View Post]
What about a donatebutton in your post...?? :mryellow:

Donate button is in Home Page... :P

Subject: Re: PhpBB3 Album
I can help with some tasks although they will have to be the non-coding ones.

Let me know if you need my help.

Subject: Re: phpBB3 Album
Yes, there is something you can do.

As soon as I have the time to wrap up the package I will contact you.


Subject: Re: PhpBB3 Album
Look forward to hearing from you.

Subject: Re: PhpBB3 Album
Mighty Gorgon, same here... I'll go late for my own vacation this year... so I have some spare time...
Let me know.

Subject: Re: PhpBB3 Album
Well guys... good news. I finally had some time and could do the work I promised Luca to do.
The ACP config is now 80% done. However, there is still alot of fine tuning required before I'd say it's 100% done. And as Luca adds new features, new config values have to be added.

German translation will be next for me. :)

Subject: Re: PhpBB3 Album
Just a quick enquiry will this album have group permissions included at all...?

I am always available to help in anything just send me a PM...

:mrgreen: :mrgreen:

Subject: Re: phpBB3 Album
DWho wrote: [View Post]
Just a quick enquiry will this album have group permissions included at all...?

Yes this album will have the same permission system of the forum.

At the moment there are no personal galleries... because I still have to design that feature and how to implement the code using the new permissions system.

"Read Only" testing available here:

The help I need now is creating a full install script for DB and ACP modules (there are some demos @, if anyone is willing to do that, I will pass all the necessary files and give appropriate permissions to access the development area.

Subject: Re: PhpBB3 Album
Se posso dare una mano, io ci sono anche da subito.
SarĂ  possibile convertire dalla vecchia FAP (ultima versione) alla nuova gallery phpbb3-compatibile?
Grazie per l'aiuto
I'm disponible to give my little help.
Will be possible to convert from old FAP (last release) to new gallery phpbb3-compatible?
Thank for all

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Subject: Re: PhpBB3 Album
Conversion will be possible.
I have a big FAP gallery myself (over 10000 photos in about 300 categories, including personal galleries), so I also have a big interest in a good migration tool. ;)

Subject: Re: PhpBB3 Album
this is the major reason i haven't moved to phpbb3. please assign me some tasks (non php expert).

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