Error In Install File For Standard Pages

Subject: Error In Install File For Standard Pages
in mys_basi.sql

error in this line

INSERT INTO `phpbb_cms_layout_special` (`page_id`, `name`, `filename`, `global_blocks`, `view`, `groups`) VALUES ('viewfforum', 'viewforum', 'viewforum.php', 0, 0, '');

viewfforum should be viewforum


:mrgreen: :mrgreen:

Subject: Re: Error In Install File For Standard Pages
Thanks... this error also impact the visualization of global blocks and nav...

This is how to fix that:

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UPDATE `phpbb_cms_layout_special` SET page_id = 'viewforum' WHERE page_id = 'viewfforum';

Of course change the table prefix to the one you are using.

Subject: Re: Error In Install File For Standard Pages
Thanks, Dr. Who

I made the correction in that sql file. It seemed to speed the forum pages up, but I've had funny things happen to "viewforum" since the beginning....maybe related, maybe not.

My forums have been renamed twice without me touching them. My main forums have been changed to "restored forums" 2 times (for the main catagories)....

Again, the only thing I noticed after taking the extra "f" out of the file, was that the site seemed faster!


Subject: Re: Error In Install File For Standard Pages
not a problem... I been teaching myself mysql code for easy chages to the database... yours is easier than the one i came up with..

:mrgreen: :mrgreen:

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