Register user, With different timeframe, with Manual Payment Method and Recurring Payment Method.
Pay Pal IPN Integrated. Allow to set trial period, VIP user.
Common member can not read, post or search content in restricted forums, which is defined by group privileges
User can subscribe to multi groups.
Admin can trace IPN Logs from ACP
Admin can manually set user subscriptions' group and expiration date
Admin can set extra days to give to user when they register to a payment group for the first time.
Admin can enable and disable payment gateways.
Admin can install different payment gateways as plugin.
Admin can set the days before expiration date to send expiration reminder email.
Remove global trial period.
Note: Your Pay Pal account must be Premier/Business Account to be able to receive Recurring Payment.
If you do not have one, please follow this link to register: ,
it is free and it makes us your referral, so you are helping us by doing it. Thanks you do not need to set up anything in pay pal
except the account this mod does everything you need.
I am releasing this mod as a work in process.. I have been testing this for a year and seems to work well...
the only thing I have not seen work is the notification email sent out when your subscription is nearly at an end...
If anyone cares to look at it please I would be most grateful...
using this mod in conjunction with the page permissions mod allows you to stop members form viewing pages unless they have a subscription.. as long as you set up a subscription group...
Download available shortly