middiu wrote:hi,
I want the guests only to see the thumbnails without the possibility to enlarge the pics
how can i do it?
Artie wrote:For your Mid/Full pics on register only. Try the code below.
I only tested this briefly, but seems to work ..... though, will not work if you have View full pic as a popup set to Yes in ACP
- #
- ##------------------- [ OPEN ] ------------------------------------------------
- #
- album_showpage.php
- #
- ##----------------- [ FIND ] ----------------------------------------------------
- #
- // ------------------------------------
- // ------------------------------------
- #
- ##--------------- [ BEFORE ADD ] -----------------------------------------------------------
- #
- if (!$userdata['session_logged_in'])
- {
- redirect(append_sid(album_append_uid(LOGIN_MG . "?redirect=album_showpage.$phpEx&pic_id=$pic_id")));
- }
- #
- ## --------- [ SAVE FILE ] ---------------------------------------------
- #EoM