Re: FAP Module For MxBB-Portal
The new mx_smartor
FAP module has been added to our cvs from sf with oher modules ported or made by me and other team members for mxBB 2.8.0 couse soon official 2.8.0 gold will be released. Jon, the project leader may work on Mx
FAP very soon, he may fix some php notices we get when error reporting is turned on the majority from the album category hierarchy, but for the most addons are many fixed by me and now with error repoting tuned on users can upload and view pictures, with error repoting tuned off there are no known issues excemp maybe with album_otf how is poting in the db the pictures and thumbnails names. I tryed to make otf to post same name for both and use the thumb created when the otf gallery is 1st vizited. Other issue is that the special effects are not seems to work and I may need your help to fix it if Jon will not fix, I'm not sure if in current
FAP is working or is a server configuration issue.
album_jupload is now very stable and there are no known pb-s, users can select/add folders with gif, jpg and png pictures and preview the pictures while browsing and in queue. This feature is 90% compatible with phpBB and can be ported back very easy, just is needed to drop the mx_ prefix of some fuctions: mx_message_die() -> message_die(), mx_redirect() -> redirect(); and url-s like append_sid(this_fap_portalurl()) -> append_sid($phpbb_root_path . 'album.php') and one template change.
So finaly looks like Mx
FAP will replace/upgrade the old mx_smartor as official album module and not Gallery 2 how was planned by the mxBB admins beafore I made the port. The main feature that made to tun things was album_jupload couse java upload is a gallery 2 feature that made them think that G2 has more features