Well what I was attempting to do was just create 2 new links and add them to the dynamic menu already in place.
Steps I followed were:
created my new page
added blocks
Added link to dynamic menu/main links
chose category to add link to
Sumbitted and updated menu.
I then clicked each of the 2 links i created in the CMS and each one went to respected page, however, when viewing the menu on any page of the site, the links do not show up in the menu.
Check this out, it is only a tes tsite it is what it is.
On the left in the menu under Forum should be 2 new links, one that says New To little Elm and One that says Advertise. Notice they do not show but if I go to cms/dynamic menu/main links, they are there and working.

I am sure it is end user error. Not the system