Would Someone Please Unlock This Thread

Inactive User
Subject: Would Someone Please Unlock This Thread
Please Unlock this thread:


I have something else I would like to add in defence of what I said, not just simply be accused of something that I didn't write, and then find the thread locked. Further more, that's twice a thread has been locked without me being given the opportunity to either edit the post I made or explain why I see things the way I do. :shock:

Inactive User
Subject: Re: Would Someone Please Unlock This Thread
Obviously Not! :(

Chaotic wrote: 
I've talked to System via PM and we are at an understanding.

Care to elaborate, because when Public Rules are broken, they should not be dealt with in private.

Else there would be an underlying factor that the Public Rules are there to be compromised. :(

Subject: Re: Would Someone Please Unlock This Thread
David please stop feeding the troll and starting flames.

Please focus on positive things... we (the Staff) are trying to fix the bad ones.

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