I've searched, searched, and searched until I couldn't search any more. I finally found Mighty Gorgon's debut music video!
I know Mighty Gorgon is too self-conscious to post his own videos, so please give him as much feedback as possible so that he may grace us with more successful music videos!
Mighty Gorgon featuring guest performer Zuker.
YouTube Link
Mighty Gorgon Video Shoot
Subject: Re: Mighty Gorgon Video Shoot
Oh my god :shock:
Never saw such video... I want to have more successful music videos :!:
Never saw such video... I want to have more successful music videos :!:
Subject: Re: Mighty Gorgon Video Shoot
i didnt know that MG is singer :shock:
i will call him to sing with us ... with my band , we have to nice singerin
i will call him to sing with us ... with my band , we have to nice singerin
Subject: Re: Mighty Gorgon Video Shoot
The other guy is not Zuker, but Bicet... this video is old! :P I remembed this since XS time! :P
MG can confirm! :P
MG can confirm! :P
Subject: Re: Mighty Gorgon Video Shoot
I saw the old post on the Italian support site and thought this video was too good to pass up. Luca and I were laughing about that post last night and I wanted to share it with the English folks. I was unsure if the other folk was Bicet or Zuker. :LOL:
Zuker took his spot quite nicely in the video. :)
andrea75 wrote: [View Post]
I saw the old post on the Italian support site and thought this video was too good to pass up. Luca and I were laughing about that post last night and I wanted to share it with the English folks. I was unsure if the other folk was Bicet or Zuker. :LOL:
Zuker took his spot quite nicely in the video. :)
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