Lopalong's Playground. h**p://forum-styles.com/ip/forum.php
Purpose: To create new Group-Themes and Add-In themes for Icy Phoenix; and to release MODS for Beta-Testing prior to them being moved to icyphoenix.com/downloads.
To Date: There are no themes available for download, but I do anticipate that the 'Demo' style will be released very soon; and that's as soon as people are prepared to log in and test it because it is the beginning of a 'New' theme group.
MODS: Are available for D/L to Registered Members for testing purposes, and if there are no complaints or problems, they will be moved here to Icy Phoenix for everyone to have access to. If you can help with the Beta-Testing, it would be appreciated. ;)
"Quasi" Icy Phoenix Support Forum.
Subject: Re: "Quasi" Icy Phoenix Support Forum.
wow, it's very nice. well done. will you release this style here? so, i have questions regard to your links block in forum.php. is it Links template or html block. If it's Links Template, can you help me how to add those logo on the left side of yours.
Thank you,
Thank you,
Subject: Re: "Quasi" Icy Phoenix Support Forum.
your style is nice, but if I try to press play button I can't hear any songs :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :mricy: :mricy: :mricy: :mricy: :mricy: :mricy:
Subject: Re: "Quasi" Icy Phoenix Support Forum.
The links block is part of the default setup in the ACP.
xmenfile wrote: [View Post]
The links block is part of the default setup in the ACP.
Subject: Re: "Quasi" Icy Phoenix Support Forum.
Your template is really nice, when it is finished I would also like to host it here in download section if it is possible.
Thank you for offering another place to speak about IP. :wink:
Thank you for offering another place to speak about IP. :wink:
Subject: Re: "Quasi" Icy Phoenix Support Forum.
Thanks Luca, and I wouldn't have it any other way. :mricy:
EVERYTHING! I do will be hosted at IP.com, and I'd really prefer not to have a site of my own; but at the moment I don't see how else I can do what I'm doing without having full control over it.
Mighty Gorgon wrote: [View Post]
Thanks Luca, and I wouldn't have it any other way. :mricy:
EVERYTHING! I do will be hosted at IP.com, and I'd really prefer not to have a site of my own; but at the moment I don't see how else I can do what I'm doing without having full control over it.
Subject: Re: "Quasi" Icy Phoenix Support Forum.
Thank you for sharing your nice template... it has been added in Downloads:
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