Icy Phoenix


Icy Phoenix

Icy Phoenix

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OPEN lang_faq.php
Code: [Download] [Hide] [Select]
<a href=\"downloads.php\">

Code: [Download] [Hide] [Select]
<a href=\"dload.php\">

TheSteffen - View user's profile Send private message  
TheSteffen [ Fri 14 Jan, 2011 15:03 ]
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Post Re: Icy Phoenix 
TheSteffen wrote: [View Post]
OPEN lang_faq.php
Code: [Download] [Hide] [Select]
<a href=\"downloads.php\">

Code: [Download] [Hide] [Select]
<a href=\"dload.php\">

This is for ???

spydie - View user's profile Send private message  
spydie [ Fri 14 Jan, 2011 16:16 ]
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Post Re: Icy Phoenix 

I think it is for all langs because the file downloads.php doesn't exist in icyphoenix

TheSteffen - View user's profile Send private message  
TheSteffen [ Fri 14 Jan, 2011 16:28 ]
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Post Re: Icy Phoenix 
downloads advanced is a plugin.

you´ll find it in extras in svn.

that´s probably why i don´t have this Bug. i´m using dl advanced

spydie - View user's profile Send private message  
spydie [ Fri 14 Jan, 2011 16:39 ]
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Post Re: Icy Phoenix 
Ah OK, you are right... if you use the plugin it is working fine.
So we should find a way to work arround or simple delete this link  

TheSteffen - View user's profile Send private message  
TheSteffen [ Fri 14 Jan, 2011 16:54 ]
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Post Re: Icy Phoenix 

another idea.

add thumbnail cache cleaning in cron.

I´m curently working on a mod to add this to, cause some users asked for it.

I´ll post it here , when it´s done.

But i need some feedback, of what you think it´s better.

adding it as an aditional cron file or adding it directly to cron config in ACP

spydie - View user's profile Send private message  
spydie [ Mon 17 Jan, 2011 13:30 ]
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Post Re: Icy Phoenix 
Error in update to 255.

looks like theres something missing in update script, or not getting executed well.

i get this after update:
Spoiler: [ Show ]

I fixed this, changing the name of column IP_BLOCKS - BLOCKS_SETTINGS_ID to BS_ID direktly in the database

@MG: Your missing to rename this table in update script

spydie - View user's profile Send private message  
spydie [ Sun 23 Jan, 2011 11:51 ]
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Post Re: Icy Phoenix 
@ spydie: regarding cleaning thumbs cache, I would not empty it so often... that is needed to speed up page loadings, and images doesn't change in time (you delete them and they will be re-created identical! resources waste), so in my opinion there is no need to empty thumbnails unless that is for a very good reason.

Finally regarding the "missing rename" I guess the issue is linked to the fact that I didn't upgrade version number... so if you are going to update manually you need to force the version you are starting from... or manually change your current version in config table (decrease by one).

Mighty Gorgon - View user's profile Send private message  
Mighty Gorgon [ Thu 03 Feb, 2011 12:26 ]
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Post Re: Icy Phoenix 

I did that mod for one of my users anyway, working well.

he requested it, because he´s using PSP signatures, and thats images , that need to update frequently.

I did know about that issue, and i recomended the users , not to use that option to often, because of resources.

But you know well. If it´s requested, we do it, even if we wan´t use it ourselfes

spydie - View user's profile Send private message  
spydie [ Thu 03 Feb, 2011 15:24 ]
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Post Re: Icy Phoenix 
You should have told me that before!  

I have created a special function for images that don't need to be cached (but I don't remember if it works also for IP 1.3).

You just need to use this BBCODE:

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[img cache=false]YOURIMAGE[/img]

And the image included won't be cached at all.

Mighty Gorgon - View user's profile Send private message  
Mighty Gorgon [ Thu 03 Feb, 2011 15:47 ]
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Post Re: Icy Phoenix 
Good to know that, But try to explain that to Noob Users. The Admin might know about it, But you can´t check all the signatures of your Users

spydie - View user's profile Send private message  
spydie [ Thu 03 Feb, 2011 18:06 ]
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Post Re: Icy Phoenix 
Maybe with sql in db like
search in _sig find [img] and replace it with [img cache=false]

Than you only have to care about new members  

TheSteffen - View user's profile Send private message  
TheSteffen [ Thu 03 Feb, 2011 18:53 ]
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Post Re: Icy Phoenix 
got another idea.

add a boton to bbcodes and write some forum rules with image explanation into signature page

spydie - View user's profile Send private message  
spydie [ Thu 03 Feb, 2011 20:13 ]
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Post Re: Icy Phoenix 
There are some switches in BBCode which let the class knows if you are dealing with signatures or not...

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$bbcode->is_sig = true;

You can play with this check and create a special case in IMG parsing to force cache... it should not be tough... have a play!  

Mighty Gorgon - View user's profile Send private message  
Mighty Gorgon [ Fri 11 Feb, 2011 10:33 ]
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Post Re: Icy Phoenix 
got a problem with adm/erc.php

It just wan´t update template settings, I just get an error from the request.


someone confirm this ??

spydie - View user's profile Send private message  
spydie [ Fri 11 Feb, 2011 13:38 ]
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