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Old Translations - Romanian Language Translation

wizzard [ Sat 29 Mar, 2008 15:40 ]
Post subject: Romanian Language Translation
Hi there Icy Phoenix developers and fans.

We have the pleasure to launch the first Romanian translation of Icy Phoenix:
This Romanian translation has been created and developed by:

sede0202 ( and
Mr.Wizzard (

This Romanian language file can be used for the following Icy Phoenix

Icy Phoenix
Icy Phoenix (stable version)

Enjoy this first release from us.


sede0202 & Mr.Wizzard
March 29, 2008

Mighty Gorgon [ Sun 30 Mar, 2008 11:30 ]
Post subject: Re: Romanian Translation
Thank you very much for this package, I have uploaded it in the Download section:

I will remove the attachment from your post, if you need to update the file please contact me.

You have also been added to Translators group.

ThE KuKa [ Sun 30 Mar, 2008 23:12 ]
Post subject: Re: Romanian Language Translation
Sorry wizzard, this version is for IP ?

wizzard [ Mon 31 Mar, 2008 07:04 ]
Post subject: Re: Romanian Language Translation
ThE KuKa wrote: [View Post]
Sorry wizzard, this version is for IP ?

Works on both: the last stable version as well as on the latest version, as mentioned above.
Tested on both versions and works fine. You can see for yourself how it works on both versions by vewing the following links: (v: and (v:

ThE KuKa [ Mon 31 Mar, 2008 19:02 ]
Post subject: Re: Romanian Language Translation
Off Topic
wizzard, verify again please. The same language package not apply for two versions of Icy Phoenix.

Is not present in your package: Necessary for the Icy Phoenix version


It is not necessary for the Icy Phoenix version


Compare your package, with English package please.


sede0202 [ Mon 31 Mar, 2008 21:41 ]
Post subject: Re: Romanian Language Translation
Hi all!
I'm working to translate last version of IP ( ). Maybe in few weeks we release package.

ThE KuKa [ Mon 31 Mar, 2008 22:58 ]
Post subject: Re: Romanian Language Translation
Hi sede0202,

Thanks for your work and added to Translators group.


ThE KuKa [ Mon 31 Mar, 2008 23:08 ]
Post subject: Re: Romanian Language Translation
Mighty Gorgon wrote: 
... I have uploaded it in the Download section:

Off Topic
This version (for me, and WinMerge) is for Icy Phoenix
Edit you please, I do not want to touch anything download file...

TheSteffen [ Fri 04 Apr, 2008 00:58 ]
Post subject: Re: Romanian Language Translation
Thanks wizzard, so now its time for the buttons... I will do my best to do it

sede0202 [ Fri 04 Apr, 2008 06:52 ]
Post subject: Re: Romanian Language Translation
Hello TheSteffen
I have on my site buttons in romanian language if you need a sample.
Theme is ca_aphrodite, modified because red style is not present in package and my visitors know my forum like "red forum" because before IP style has same. Of course, another reason is a unique theme.
If you need help i'm here.

wizzard [ Fri 04 Apr, 2008 06:53 ]
Post subject: Re: Romanian Language Translation
Spoiler: [ Show ]

I am working on it.

wizzard [ Fri 04 Apr, 2008 06:54 ]
Post subject: Re: Romanian Language Translation
TheSteffen wrote: [View Post]
Thanks wizzard, so now its time for the buttons... I will do my best to do it

I'm not very good with Photoshop so I would welcome any support you can provide on this "buttons matter". Thanks.

TheSteffen [ Fri 04 Apr, 2008 11:08 ]
Post subject: Re: Romanian Language Translation
I have the translation of each button here:

Can you please check if everything is OK. And secound, can you also translate this 4 lines:


I will do my best to finde the time to create the needed buttons for you

wizzard [ Fri 04 Apr, 2008 11:53 ]
Post subject: Re: Romanian Language Translation
TheSteffen wrote: [View Post]
I have the translation of each button here:

Can you please check if everything is OK.

Checked and double checked. It's OK!
TheSteffen wrote: [View Post]
And second, can you also translate this 4 lines:

I will do my best to finde the time to create the needed buttons for you

Translation of the required lines is done. You cand view them at the following link:
Lines translation
or can view the whole thing here:
wizzard wrote: [View Post]

for Romanian it is:
Spoiler: [ Show ]

TheSteffen [ Fri 04 Apr, 2008 18:35 ]
Post subject: Re: Romanian Language Translation
Thanks a lot wizzard.

ThE KuKa [ Fri 04 Apr, 2008 18:56 ]
Post subject: Re: Romanian Language Translation
wizzard wrote: 
I am working on it.

Perfect Thank you so much

wizzard [ Sun 06 Apr, 2008 10:22 ]
Post subject: Re: Romanian Language Translation
TheSteffen wrote: [View Post]
Thanks a lot wizzard.

As usual, it is my pleasure and my privilege to be of some help in developing this project.

sede0202 [ Thu 01 May, 2008 13:41 ]
Post subject: Re: Romanian Language Translation
I don't know what is that! A bug or no?
In lang_admin.php file between lines 1998 and 2043 are language variables for backup database. Also, in distribution kit exist lang_admin_db_backup.php file with same lines.
Are use both in IP 12027?

Mighty Gorgon [ Sun 18 May, 2008 00:07 ]
Post subject: Re: Romanian Language Translation
You can remove those files since are not used anymore.

Thanks for pointing that out.

Structor [ Fri 27 Mar, 2009 22:48 ]
Post subject: Re: Romanian Language Translation
Hi there
The Romanian translation is not working properly with version, so I made it work.

Mighty Gorgon [ Wed 01 Apr, 2009 12:13 ]
Post subject: Re: Romanian Language Translation
Which errors did you have?

What did you fix?

Structor [ Wed 01 Apr, 2009 15:16 ]
Post subject: Re: Romanian Language Translation
The content of the lang_english directory was not the same with the romanian one. There was files that are not included in lang_english directory and vice versa. I did not translate anything, I just made a copy of /lang_english/ and used the original romanian translation.

Filato [ Thu 01 Sep, 2011 11:14 ]
Post subject: Re: Romanian Language Translation
Structor wrote: [View Post]
Hi there
The Romanian translation is not working properly with version, so I made it work.

thank you, man, for this indispensable piece of work ! i'll be able tot try it today!

Joshua203 [ Thu 01 Sep, 2011 12:52 ]
Post subject: Re: Romanian Language Translation
Could you please stop making worthless comments to very old threads Filato?

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