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Old Styles Topics - Icy Theme

pspwest [ Fri 29 Aug, 2008 20:26 ]
Post subject: Icy Theme
buenas me gustaria que pusieran en black_pearl para icy phoenix ya que en www.icytheme.com me registro y me deve validar la cuenta un administrador y cuando lo ace me borra la cuenta no se porque

si alguien me pudiera facilitar algunos themes para icy phoenix se lo agradeceria mucho
En especial quiero el black_pearl


novice programmer [ Fri 29 Aug, 2008 20:54 ]
Post subject: Re: Icy Theme
Do use english please.

Haz el favor de usar el ingles en este sitio. Si no tienes suficientes conocimientos usa un traductor como tranlate.google.com o acude a icyphoenix.es web de soporte de icy en tu idioma.

For other users: He is repotring his account gets deleted on lopalong site when he is waiting for activation. He is looking for the black pearl theme.

Lopalong [ Fri 05 Sep, 2008 01:01 ]
Post subject: Re: Icy Theme
I don't know what the question is about, as it clearly states in the Guest Message.

This board is for Icy Phoenix Support Only - If you can't supply a valid url to an Icy Phoenix Forum that you are the Admin of, don't even bother registering.

And this is in the email.

Please Note: The url you submitted to your website must be to an Icy Phoenix Board that you are the Admin of, as stated in the Guest Message at the top of the icythemes board. Failing that, your registration application will be deleted.

Por favor Nota: Las URL que ha enviado a su sitio web debe ser un Helado Phoenix Junta de que usted es el administrador de, como se afirma en el Mensaje para huéspedes en la parte superior de la icythemes bordo. De lo contrario, su solicitud de registro será eliminado.

Icythemes.com also has Email to the Webmaster for any problems with registration etc, Next time please use it, as querying difficulties with icythemes.com does NOT belong here at Icy Phoenix.

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