I Cant Access To ACP And Error During Installation To 2.0 »  Show posts from    to     

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Old Support Topics - I Cant Access To ACP And Error During Installation To 2.0

mad2 [ Mon 24 Sep, 2012 13:54 ]
Post subject: I Cant Access To ACP And Error During Installation To 2.0
Hello friends

I've been looking for information on the Internet about this but found nothing. I hope you may help out.

It turns out that I can not access the admin panel to upgrade Icy Phoenix to version 2.0. (I have the version)

Try updating, as illustrated in the instructions (without closing my web from ACP, because i cant to access to ACP.

Delete all the old files, but give me a error install/convert_utf8_nodbal.php, I climbed to the root of the forum, so I went to delete everything and got my backup. But although I uploaded all the files, when I give the link to enter the admin panel I get errors for the forum, but what really worries me is cant access to my ACP. Is it necessary to enter the ACP to update to 2.0? What I can do to get access?

Fatal error: Call to a member function on a non-object in / web / htdocs / *** .forosdedebate.com / home / adm / pagestart.php on line 36

Thanks in advance.

Web: www.forosdedebate.com

Joshua203 [ Mon 24 Sep, 2012 14:58 ]
Post subject: Re: I Cant Access To ACP And Error During Installation To 2.0
You should not have to do anything in acp to upgrade (but it is strange that you can't get in, you can go to adm/erc.php to try and resolve the problem)

EDIT: but since erc.php will probably give you an error too ... I would try to upgrade first and see what happens then

convert_utf8_nodbal.php should be triggered from the root, so you have to move it to the root first

mad2 [ Mon 24 Sep, 2012 17:10 ]
Post subject: Re: I Cant Access To ACP And Error During Installation To 2.0
Thanks for reply Joshua203.

Exactly, adm/erc.php also fails.

When I tried to upgrade to version 2.0, run "convert_utf8_nodbal.php" from the root of my domain, but gave error. I tried to ignore this error and continue installation, but obviously did not succeed. Desperately, I also tried to run the file from /install, but neither worked.

Joshua203 [ Mon 24 Sep, 2012 19:50 ]
Post subject: Re: I Cant Access To ACP And Error During Installation To 2.0
The acp "enter error" is refering to this part in adm/pagestart.php:
Code: [Hide] [Select]
// Start session management
$userdata = session_pagestart($user_ip);
// End session management

Telling me there might be something wrong with your settings or userdata.

The error to open erc.php:
error wrote: 
Fatal error: Cannot redeclare language_select() (previously declared in /web/htdocs/www.forosdedebate.com/home/includes/functions_dbmtnc.php:1286) in /web/htdocs/www.forosdedebate.com/home/includes/functions_selects.php on line 24

This tells me there might be something wrong with your language settings.

Please try to take a look at your ucp lang settings and submit the language setting, see what happens.

You could also try to take a look with phpmyadmin to see if there is anything strange regarding the above, or try a blind repair to see if that solves anything?

EDIT: ...or you can wait for a reply from one of the more experienced members, because I'm only guessing and trying to slowly close in on the reason of the problem

spydie [ Mon 24 Sep, 2012 21:52 ]
Post subject: Re: I Cant Access To ACP And Error During Installation To 2.0
Joshua203 wrote: [View Post]
You should not have to do anything in acp to upgrade

Wrong. you need to be logged into acp to update


could you please post the error message you get from convert_utf8_nodbal.php

Joshua203 [ Mon 24 Sep, 2012 22:15 ]
Post subject: Re: I Cant Access To ACP And Error During Installation To 2.0
spydie wrote: [View Post]
Wrong. you need to be logged into acp to update

True ...I'm sorry I noticed too late and forgot to mention it later

However logging in is not actually doing anything ...but that's also just a lame excuse

spydie [ Mon 24 Sep, 2012 22:58 ]
Post subject: Re: I Cant Access To ACP And Error During Installation To 2.0
means, restore .53b. loginto acp and then do the update

mad2 [ Tue 25 Sep, 2012 10:26 ]
Post subject: Re: I Cant Access To ACP And Error During Installation To 2.0
Thanks Joshua203 and spydie.

spydie, Then I have to upload the 'original' files of 53b and delete the ones I have now? Because logically the backup I have is not correct, because it wont let me enter the ACP.

I lose things if I do this? I understand that I will lose some customizations ... but if I can upgrade to version 2.0... it´s ok

Joshua203 [ Tue 25 Sep, 2012 11:25 ]
Post subject: Re: I Cant Access To ACP And Error During Installation To 2.0
You need to fix the old install, I expect the problem to be in your DB (but I could be wrong?)

Please read/try the previous suggestions and Spydie also asked you for an error report.

spydie [ Tue 25 Sep, 2012 17:18 ]
Post subject: Re: I Cant Access To ACP And Error During Installation To 2.0
I hope, he did´nt do the backup with the IP included DB backup tool

mad2 [ Wed 26 Sep, 2012 09:18 ]
Post subject: Re: I Cant Access To ACP And Error During Installation To 2.0
I have good news!! 50% of the problem solved!

I upload all the original files for version 53b, but this did not work. I found a more old backup of all files and it worked!! I can access to the ACP.

I forgot to tell you that after uploading these files and work properly, in the main portal of the forum, where it says "last post" (of each forum) says "no messages", instead of putting the name of the message and the user who wrote.

Now I have to try to upgrade to 2.0 version. I hope to be lucky!

I'll tell you if I succeeded!!

Thanks friends!

Joshua203 [ Wed 26 Sep, 2012 09:46 ]
Post subject: Re: I Cant Access To ACP And Error During Installation To 2.0
Don't forget to backup your DataBase, because the more I read your responses the more I get a feeling that you think that a FULL backup means only copy all the files

Goodluck with the other 50% Mad2!!!

mad2 [ Wed 26 Sep, 2012 09:51 ]
Post subject: Re: I Cant Access To ACP And Error During Installation To 2.0
Yes, I have backup of the DB from PhpMyAdmin. I forgot to say this hehehe


spydie [ Wed 26 Sep, 2012 12:23 ]
Post subject: Re: I Cant Access To ACP And Error During Installation To 2.0
So first of all, you should download and install MysqlDumper.
then upload your database dump to work/backup folder of it and restore your db via the msd admin panel

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