[NOT SOLVED]Icy Phoenix - Digest & Subscriptions »  Show posts from    to     

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Old Support Topics - [NOT SOLVED]Icy Phoenix - Digest & Subscriptions

christmanrd [ Sat 15 Aug, 2009 18:05 ]
Post subject: [NOT SOLVED]Icy Phoenix - Digest & Subscriptions
I am having a problem figuring out exactly how to Subscribe To A Forum so that the Digest will send me the daily emails. I am receiving the emails but, it is empty because my profile states that I am not Subscribe To A Forum. I go to a Forum and I can not figure out how to subscribe to it.

Maybe, I turned something off in the ACP. I don't know.

I need some guidance, Please.



spydie [ Sat 15 Aug, 2009 18:45 ]
Post subject: Re: Icy Phoenix - Digest & Subscriptions

Go to Profile - Preferences

Third option from the top:

Notify on response


On top right you´ve got the option to subscribe to every forum

click on this text in the forum you want to subscribe to

Watch this forum for posts

You find this text there the PM link, unanswerd post etc. are

christmanrd [ Sat 15 Aug, 2009 19:35 ]
Post subject: Re: Icy Phoenix - Digest & Subscriptions
Sypdie thanks for taking the time again with me.

Below is my Preferences. I have highlighted the, "Set bookmarks automatically when posting." It is set to NO. Should that be set to YES?

spydie [ Sat 15 Aug, 2009 19:41 ]
Post subject: Re: Icy Phoenix - Digest & Subscriptions
I think That´s not necesary but you can try.

The importand thing for me is notify on replies ON.

Does the subscribe function work now ??

You got it here

christmanrd [ Sat 15 Aug, 2009 19:52 ]
Post subject: Re: Icy Phoenix - Digest & Subscriptions
I have not changed the settings on the Preference page.

Here is my Forum page (top)

Mighty Gorgon [ Sat 15 Aug, 2009 20:50 ]
Post subject: Re: Icy Phoenix - Digest & Subscriptions
You both are looking at the wrong place...

Try here!


christmanrd [ Sun 16 Aug, 2009 00:15 ]
Post subject: Re: Icy Phoenix - Digest & Subscriptions
Mighty Gordon,

I have mine set up just like the example that you directed us to. The fact is, I am not able to find how to subscribe to a forum on my site.

spydie [ Sun 16 Aug, 2009 00:25 ]
Post subject: Re: Icy Phoenix - Digest & Subscriptions
christmanrd wrote: [View Post]
I have not changed the settings on the Preference page.

Here is my Forum page (top)

Go one more step ahead into the forum.

see if the link´s i told you change

You´re on forum page , not in the forum, go into one forum and try again

christmanrd [ Sun 16 Aug, 2009 00:46 ]
Post subject: Re: Icy Phoenix - Digest & Subscriptions

I went one step further as suggested. This is what I have:

spydie [ Sun 16 Aug, 2009 01:12 ]
Post subject: Re: Icy Phoenix - Digest & Subscriptions
wrong forum mate.

that´s a poll

take another one.

have you got a test acount pls

Edit :

You should see that link here f.e.

christmanrd [ Sun 16 Aug, 2009 01:26 ]
Post subject: Re: Icy Phoenix - Digest & Subscriptions
Now I am confused. That is a topic within a forum that has a poll above it.

No test account but, I can set one up. tell me what i need to do and it's done.

spydie [ Sun 16 Aug, 2009 01:47 ]
Post subject: Re: Icy Phoenix - Digest & Subscriptions
Have you got this switched on in



christmanrd [ Sun 16 Aug, 2009 01:53 ]
Post subject: Re: Icy Phoenix - Digest & Subscriptions
No it is not.....Bingo, maybe? I take it that it should read Yes. Your site is very nice. How do you find time to help here....amazing.

I turned it on. Went to General > Mass Email and sent an email to this volunteer group of which I am the moderator. I would think, that I should have received the email but, I did not.

spydie [ Sun 16 Aug, 2009 02:04 ]
Post subject: Re: Icy Phoenix - Digest & Subscriptions
no that is´nt

That is something in ACP

But i´m stuck now.

need to see your Complete ACP to compare with mine.

Any chance you give me junior admin with ACP permission

christmanrd [ Mon 17 Aug, 2009 15:02 ]
Post subject: Re: [NOT SOLVED]Icy Phoenix - Digest & Subscriptions
I still do not have a means to Subscribe to a Forum so that I receive the Digest with entries in it. I do receive the Digest and it states:

There are no new messages for the forums you selected.

The problem is when I go to my profile or click on Digest, I see the same as the display provided by MG here: http://www.icyphoenix.com/digests.php . However the only thing that is checked in my case is: All Subscribed Forums There are no other Forums listed because, I can not figure out how to subscribe to a forum.

Please review the previous post and the pictures so that you have a full understanding of my problem.

Thank you,


Mighty Gorgon [ Wed 19 Aug, 2009 11:03 ]
Post subject: Re: [NOT SOLVED]Icy Phoenix - Digest & Subscriptions
Guys... as I said Digests forum are ONLY controlled by Digests page!

The fact that you don't receive any content is because you log in to your forum and Digests won't send you messages posted before you last login time.

Try this and you will see that Digests is working fine:
  • Create a fake user with a real email you can check.
  • Enable the Digest for that user and select all forum and Daily delivery.
  • Do not login anymore with that user... at least for a couple of days.
  • That user should receive Digests email correctly...

Can you try this?

As I said... Digests and Subscriptions are not linked... they are different things.

christmanrd [ Wed 19 Aug, 2009 16:38 ]
Post subject: Re: [NOT SOLVED]Icy Phoenix - Digest & Subscriptions
Ok, I have created an account as you suggested MG.

I guess what is confusing is that in the Digest area on my profile at my site, the bottom of the page states:

Send digests for these forums: All Subscribed Forums

To me that suggests that I need to subscribe to the forum.

When I look at my Digest Page here on your board, there is a whole list of Forums that I supposedly have subscribed to.

Send digests for these forums:
All Subscribed Forums
News And Announcements
VIP Area
Documentation And How To
General Support
Templates And Styles
Icy Phoenix Customizations
Older Versions Archive
phpBB 3 MODS And Styles
FAP Support
FAP General Discussions And Customizations
Other Mods Support
Free PHP Scripts
Show Off
Test Forum
English Chit Chat
Italian Chit Chat
Templates And Styles Discussions

I guess what it boils down to is understanding the definition of the word subscribe.

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