[Solved] Removal Of Dyn_menu From Index_body. »  Show posts from    to     

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Old Support Topics - [Solved] Removal Of Dyn_menu From Index_body.

Concepts [ Tue 14 Jul, 2009 17:56 ]
Post subject: [Solved] Removal Of Dyn_menu From Index_body.
Hi all,

Was wondering how can i remove the dyn_menu from the index body of the forums? i noticed this is not in the cms management at all, and i would like to remove it, however i wish to keep any other blocks i decide to use there.

Any help would be greatly appreciated, i have even checked my styles index_body.tpl to remove it but i dont see anything that would pull the removal of it. Aswell as i have searched for this and found nothing on it.

Im currentlly running a vanilla package of the ip 1.27c, If anyone is unfamiliar with vanilla, it means current upto date package with 0 mods installed.

Thanks in advance,
- Concepts

Edit: i found it after relooking in the cms config, i dont understand why this is label'd under global blocks, shouldnt it be located under forum.php where its actually displayed lol?

DWho [ Wed 15 Jul, 2009 13:05 ]
Post subject: Re: [Solved] Removal Of Dyn_menu From Index_body.
standard pages.. ie forum.php use the global blocks so you can add blocks to that page . All global blocks are used in standard pages, cms pages have their own blocks for the layouts so no it is better placed in the global box section..

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