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Old Support Topics - Errors In Site Moving

equiman [ Wed 27 Aug, 2008 19:46 ]
Post subject: Errors In Site Moving
I'm moving my site ( ) to another paid hosting ( ) and domine. But in the new site i see this error message:

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Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home/en2rueda/public_html/web/blocks/blocks_imp_dyn_menu.php on line 149

Don't know why?

Aditional infromation:
My menu it's a new dyn_menu (it's the numer 2 ID) created for my across the CMS menu tool.

Sorry my english is not very good.

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novice programmer [ Thu 28 Aug, 2008 15:15 ]
Post subject: Re: Portal Error?
Please create new treads for posting different dobuts by different users.


Try to re-upload the file and set CHMOD correctly.

New Player [ Thu 28 Aug, 2008 15:29 ]
Post subject: Re: Portal Error?
when i remember.... i had the same error... i contact my hosting manager and he solve the problem but i don't no how... i think it must be a server problem

equiman [ Thu 28 Aug, 2008 21:03 ]
Post subject: Re: Portal Error?
novice programmer wrote: [View Post]
Please create new treads for posting different dobuts by different users.

Ohh sorry i think: it is the same problem that i have... then incorrectly think that I'm not need create a new post. I'll keep in mind for the next time.

novice programmer wrote: [View Post]

Try to re-upload the file and set CHMOD correctly.

I'm uploading again all the site... and don't function, the warning message continue.
I'm donwloading again the IP Portal and try deleting all files and uploading the IP Portal (without touch files) and the message is the same.

In boot cases i'm set the CHMOD.
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I'm try too uploading again the DB. And nothing happend, this error continue.

This warning message desapear if im deactivate this personalized menu blok and happen with any personaliced menu that I create but with the Nav Links blok don't see this error. But the problem it's that we need personalice the menu.

New Player wrote: [View Post]
when i remember.... i had the same error... i contact my hosting manager and he solve the problem but i don't no how... i think it must be a server problem

Maybe can be problem from thd server, any body knows if need changes apache or php.ini files? any special configuration?

DP: sorry my english is not very good. And thanks for the Help.

novice programmer [ Thu 28 Aug, 2008 21:34 ]
Post subject: Re: Errors In Site Moving
If you had signed up for a hosting, you mjust be provided technical support help.

equiman [ Thu 28 Aug, 2008 22:07 ]
Post subject: Re: Errors In Site Moving
OK... i'm try contact the tech support.

I take a picture from my php info if can help:

======================= 28 Agust

Hellow... i talk with host support and don't found problems with the server.

And test with the site (hosted in the same server) from a Friend adding a personaliced dyn menu and don't see this warning message.

======================== 29 Agust 12:47 PM

I'm mount a new icyphonix intho the server... and add a Test menu and all function ok.

Next, i update all CMS tables with the backup (SQL from old site) update this new and now again i see the error warnign (the problem is in the SQL Backup).

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The problem is in the SQL... but I can't see where is the problem.

equiman [ Fri 29 Aug, 2008 23:12 ]
Post subject: Re: Portal Error?
Finallay I found the problem. I have in the personaliced menu a menu option... BUT without submenus.

New Player wrote: [View Post]
when i remember.... i had the same error... i contact my hosting manager and he solve the problem but i don't no how... i think it must be a server problem

Really you too have right... because the old server don't have activated show warnings and this new is configured to show warnings.

The problem are both... maybe can fixit in the code that don run this foreach() when this menu don't have sub-menus.

Thanks for all help.

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