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Old Support Topics - Users Can't Post News!!

Xusqui [ Tue 11 Mar, 2008 11:14 ]
Post subject: Users Can't Post News!!
Hile, neighbours and friends...

My news forum is restricted to post only a few users, then any reg user can answer.

News of that forum are set to 'PRIVATE'

I've allowed a user called 'x' in the ACP/USERS/PERMISSIONS to post news

In the posting.php program, that user chooses the news category, but after publishing, the news is not shown in the portal (index.php)

If any admin posts new news, all of them are shown in the index.php

BTW the 'x' user is moderator of the news forum

What am I doing wrong???

ieio [ Tue 11 Mar, 2008 12:44 ]
Post subject: Re: Users Can't Post News!!
I think that the error is in the group permission: if you go in acp>Forum>Advanced Management you correctly set to PRIVATE but in acp>Groups>Permissions you have to switch ON the News


Xusqui [ Tue 11 Mar, 2008 13:37 ]
Post subject: Re: Users Can't Post News!!
Well, actually, I've done it at the user permissions page and no result... I'll try with the group permissions!!


PS: Yes... Moderators already had permissions to post news, so it didn't work!!

ieio [ Sun 16 Mar, 2008 10:46 ]
Post subject: Re: Users Can't Post News!!
and did you add the user to the group? it sounds strange if still doesn't work

Xusqui [ Mon 17 Mar, 2008 08:55 ]
Post subject: Re: Users Can't Post News!!
Yes... I added that user to the moderators group. After that, I edited the original post to be a normal post, no news category, and then re-edited to give a news category... And still is a normal post, not shown in the index.php

BTW: I also tried to mark the "Show in portal" option... No way!!

Anyone can show me the light???

moreteavicar [ Mon 17 Mar, 2008 12:40 ]
Post subject: Re: Users Can't Post News!!
Hail... is this a problem that has only occurred in I'm just wondering if certain recent patches made on the basis of here has anything to do with it (I think you still have access to that area?).

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