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Old Support Topics - How To: Disable Rewrite Engine

novice programmer [ Wed 01 Aug, 2007 20:28 ]
Post subject: How To: Disable Rewrite Engine
I noticed that the icy scrpts doesn´t work into servers without the rewrite activatet and results in a 500 (internal server) error.

For preventing that:

Code: [Hide] [Select]




RewriteEngine On

#--------[REMPLACE WITH]----------

RewriteEngine Off

#--------[SAVE/CLOSE ALL FILES]--------

Please, move this to the How&To section

Zuker [ Wed 01 Aug, 2007 21:15 ]
Post subject: Re: How To: Disable Rewrite Engine
Most of servers that doesn't support mod rewrite doesn't support .htacces files
so insteading of turning off, it's need to be deleted

tonyf12 [ Thu 02 Aug, 2007 13:18 ]
Post subject: Re: How To: Disable Rewrite Engine
My host disables 60% of mod_rewrite leaving just URL a =URL B rewriting or REQUEST FILENAME but no regexes, etc.

novice programmer [ Fri 03 Aug, 2007 21:49 ]
Post subject: Re: How To: Disable Rewrite Engine
Zuker wrote: [View Post]
Most of servers that doesn't support mod rewrite doesn't support .htacces files
so insteading of turning off, it's need to be deleted

Yes, but the servers that allow .htacces files but the rewrite the reparing is in there if you want to stay with the icy error pages.

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