Images In Forum Messages Doesn't Work :( »  Show posts from    to     

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Old Support Topics - Images In Forum Messages Doesn't Work :(

bags [ Fri 29 Jun, 2007 11:42 ]
Post subject: Images In Forum Messages Doesn't Work :(
I tried to import an image in one forum messages:
Check here

First problem, I can't see the preview but in ACP I've set to generate them as default.

Second problem, clicking on NoThumb icon the images is not shown, but it exists on file system.

Thx for your support.


omarska [ Mon 02 Jul, 2007 01:40 ]
Post subject: Re: Images In Forum Messages Doesn't Work :(
Hi, bags

I can see that in your forum you put images in posts as attachments. So did you check in ACP->Attachments->Special Categories it should be disabled "Display Images Inline"? Also "Create Thumbnails" should be enabled. Furthermore, if you set "Image Link Dimensions" to some values, images that are bigger than that dimensions are automatically displayed as link. Try to set 0x0 here (or some bigger values) to see if images will then display.
I personally prefer to add pictures in posts with [img] tags (plus you get Lightbox ), but it's ok to add them as attachments if you have some specific reason for that.

Hope some of these will help you.

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