Frozen Phoenix: Non-Fixed Width Overlap Issue »  Show posts from    to     

Icy Phoenix

phpBB 3 MODS And Styles (Not Compatible With phpBB 3.1) - Frozen Phoenix: Non-Fixed Width Overlap Issue

Joshua203 [ Thu 07 Mar, 2013 08:05 ]
Post subject: Re: Frozen Phoenix: Non-Fixed Width Overlap Issue
I should have noticed that something similar is already there:
Code: [Hide] [Select]
margin: 0 auto;

hmm... the weird thing is that it seemed to work for the other user in the other thread, maybe Mort is willing to take a look when he has some time to spare?

Joshua203 [ Thu 07 Mar, 2013 08:20 ]
Post subject: Re: Frozen Phoenix: Non-Fixed Width Overlap Issue
Meanwhile, (if you are bored) you could try to fix the other 28 errors in your index page

You may want to check it out by going to and copy your indexpage sourcecode to the text block there.

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