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phpBB 3 MODS And Styles (Not Compatible With phpBB 3.1) - MILKY WAY THEME

iam2010 [ Wed 19 Dec, 2012 09:09 ]
Post subject: MILKY WAY THEME
Best regards,

I write from Spain. I am trying to start a phpbb3 forum for a non-profit association.

The problem is that I don´t find (as administrator) two old options I knew about "CHANGE TO FIXED MESSAGE" or "CHANGE TO ADVERTISEMENT"

(perhaps I have written names which are not correct at all, but I am translating from spanish terms, as I think it should be)

Could you help me about that?
How can I fix a message into a forum at the top?

Thank you very much
(I am using Mozzila Firefox, perhaps it matters)

Joshua203 [ Wed 19 Dec, 2012 10:47 ]
Post subject: Re: MILKY WAY THEME
Hi Iam2010, welcome to IcyPhoenix,

I will move your question to the correct section because phpbb is different software than IcyPhoenix.

About your question....
Can you post a screenshot with some edits (arrows and whishes) of what you are asking?
Just to explain better what you want!.. right now I don't understand tbh.

Please make sure next time that you post your questions about phpbb in the phpbb section.. thanks in advance


iam2010 [ Wed 19 Dec, 2012 11:13 ]
Post subject: Re: MILKY WAY THEME
Okey and Sorry for entering into other forum than the appropriate! And sorry too, because of my english or bad explanations.

What I mean is that I cannot use a function which allows to change a post into a fixed post or advertisement post.

For administrators, and for this specific theme at least, it was usual to be able to change a normal post to a fixed post.

Do I explain now better?

I cannot to show any screenshot to explain it better.

Perhaps this


Joshua203 [ Wed 19 Dec, 2012 11:19 ]
Post subject: Re: MILKY WAY THEME
please create a testuser account or open posting for guests.

iam2010 [ Wed 19 Dec, 2012 11:48 ]
Post subject: Re: MILKY WAY THEME
Do you mean that I opened a "testuser" for entering to forum to see what is the problem?

I remember you that the function I talk about is only allowed to administrator of the forum.

Nonetheless if you want to enter, register and I valid your account. Use for example this name as user name: "testuser" so I can know that it is you.

Joshua203 [ Wed 19 Dec, 2012 13:09 ]
Post subject: Re: MILKY WAY THEME
Well we don't register at every forum that asks for help... I hope you can guess why.

i ll try to make clear by txt then and hope we understand eachother:

open post new topic and look for...
Milky Way wrote: 
Post Topic as: Normal Topic Stickyed Topic (OnTopic) Announcement General Announcement
...(in Spannish)

Off Topic
your buttons also look like they are broken!

Joshua203 [ Thu 20 Dec, 2012 12:53 ]
Post subject: Re: MILKY WAY THEME

Off Topic
You are also using an old style version on a new phpbb version!
Find the latest version >>HERE<<

iam2010 [ Mon 31 Dec, 2012 15:42 ]
Post subject: Re: MILKY WAY THEME
Regards Again,

I am sorry, I have been very busy these days!

I don´t know what I must to do!

Can I change the version without eliminating information or my own images (logo, buttons...)?

Thank you very much for your help!

Joshua203 [ Mon 31 Dec, 2012 16:53 ]
Post subject: Re: MILKY WAY THEME
Depends on your personal changes (images should not be hard to avoid overwriting.

I think it would be best to start by reading about language and style updates at to familiarise yourself first.
Then post back here explaining what changes you made exactly and we ll try to advice you thr best way to update (there's more than one way)

Whatever you do... before making any changes... backup your full site (incl DB)

Joshua203 [ Mon 31 Dec, 2012 16:59 ]
Post subject: Re: MILKY WAY THEME
uuuhm looking at your site I can't really imagine you have modified a lot.
This will make both lang and style updates a piece of cake, just upload/overwrite the newest packs of both lang and style and do your modifications again (or exclude all images from the upload/overwrite)


iam2010 [ Sat 19 Jan, 2013 16:09 ]
Post subject: Re: MILKY WAY THEME
Dear Joshua203

Firstly, I am sorry the delay, I have been very busy in my work!

Thank you for your explanations and recommendations.

Certainly, I have made some changes which seem to have broken somethings into my forum.

I am going to make a backup of the site and DB. Then, I am going to install the updated phpbb3 forum style again.

And after that, I hope I could to joint it again to the DB to keep the old existing posts. I don´t know if it is correct?

Can you explain me if I must to proceed in other way?


Joshua203 [ Sat 19 Jan, 2013 20:56 ]
Post subject: Re: MILKY WAY THEME
First make sure you have a backup, then check your phpbb version > if lower than 3.0.11 .. update it, > if 3.0.11 then dowload the latest style version andover write all files... do the same for the language pack if not english.

That's about all you would need to do.
To me your forum looks empty btw... all changes i notice is a changed logo.

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