Icy Phoenix
phpBB 3 MODS And Styles (Not Compatible With phpBB 3.1) - [Solved] Fixed Profile Width With Fluid Width In Frozen Phoenix For PhpBB 3
Goldberg [ Sun 22 May, 2011 11:41 ]
Post subject: [Solved] Fixed Profile Width With Fluid Width In Frozen Phoenix For PhpBB 3
I'm using Frozen Phoenix For PhpBB 3 on my testboard. I moved the profile to the left side using
Tutorial #2. All works well. The profile avartar will be 250px width.
I want a fixed poster profile block with a fluid with on the rest of the board.
Any idea how I can do this?
mort [ Sun 22 May, 2011 13:48 ]
Post subject: Re: Fixed Profile Width With Fluid Width In Frozen Phoenix For PhpBB 3
If you mean something like this:
style width: 250px (For the profile) and the rest width: 75%
It aint going to work.
Either both need to be fixed widths or component parts of 100%
Goldberg [ Sun 22 May, 2011 16:09 ]
Post subject: Re: Fixed Profile Width With Fluid Width In Frozen Phoenix For PhpBB 3
That is what I mean:
style width: 250px (For the profile) and the rest fluid width.
Now the profile block gets messed up.
The whole template should fluid and the profile block should be fixed.
mort [ Mon 23 May, 2011 00:37 ]
Post subject: Re: Fixed Profile Width With Fluid Width In Frozen Phoenix For PhpBB 3
Then you will probably have to combine div's and spans, or maybe even use blocks and float the blocks left and right.
You could also try the user block @ 12% or something like that with min- and max- widths markup - plus !important;
We can adjust your markup on-line (live) to see what the problem is or what the best result would be.
But I'm not even sure if the template in question uses div's or tables. And seeing that you can't be bothered to include a link to it in your posts, I guess I'll never know.
mort [ Mon 23 May, 2011 12:34 ]
Post subject: Re: Fixed Profile Width With Fluid Width In Frozen Phoenix For PhpBB 3
Have you considered all of the problems that you are creating for yourself by wanting to change the layout of the template?
If you ever want to add MODS that use either of those fields, then they are not going to install in the way they were designed to.
phpBB3 is bad enough with both its template system and the way it installs MODS with AutoMod etc, and you're going to make it even worse. Other than that - you will need to have the expertise to adjust any mods to suit your own "New" style, as you will probably get very little help from MOD-Writers to overcome any of the problems you've created for yourself by diverting from the default layout.
Just thought I'd mention that! Because
(Assuming that you will at one time want to install some MODS) you are going to have to learn a whole lot more programming stuff other than just changing the markup you're doing at the moment.

Goldberg [ Mon 23 May, 2011 12:44 ]
Post subject: Re: Fixed Profile Width With Fluid Width In Frozen Phoenix For PhpBB 3
I'm aware of that! I think I leave it as it is. I found an image-resizer that works pretty well.
We use 250px width avatars so 800x600 pictures in posts are being cut off but the resizer works like a charm and scales the image.
mort [ Mon 23 May, 2011 13:45 ]
Post subject: Re: Fixed Profile Width With Fluid Width In Frozen Phoenix For PhpBB 3
so 800x600 pictures in posts are being cut off
I thought that I read somewhere that there was a HighSlider MOD for phpBB3, and if I'm right - and it actually uses the HS functions and js as HS intended it to be used - Then that's the way I would go - All pics in posts would be thumbnails -> and be Expandable?
To be honest - I don't know a lot about phpBB or what mods are good, available and what's not - because I don't particularly like it.
But that's me!

Goldberg [ Mon 23 May, 2011 13:54 ]
Post subject: Re: Fixed Profile Width With Fluid Width In Frozen Phoenix For PhpBB 3
I use
ReIMG Image Resizer, it scales my images to 640 width. It uses litebox to scale the images
mort [ Tue 24 May, 2011 00:30 ]
Post subject: Re: Fixed Profile Width With Fluid Width In Frozen Phoenix For PhpBB 3
So I assume that it would be safe to say that "You don't need any more help with this"?

Goldberg [ Tue 24 May, 2011 08:50 ]
Post subject: Re: Fixed Profile Width With Fluid Width In Frozen Phoenix For PhpBB 3
That's right
Unless someone has a great idea!
Goldberg [ Thu 02 Jun, 2011 08:11 ]
Post subject: Re: Fixed Profile Width With Fluid Width In Frozen Phoenix For PhpBB 3
A new question:
How can I get a non-fixed width on the forum
forum index works
topic index is with a fixed width
not all topic pages work, soem fluid, others are fixed
spydie [ Thu 02 Jun, 2011 11:08 ]
Post subject: Re: Fixed Profile Width With Fluid Width In Frozen Phoenix For PhpBB 3
i think , that depends on the posted images.
if the image is to big, it stretches the width
mort [ Thu 02 Jun, 2011 12:12 ]
Post subject: Re: Fixed Profile Width With Fluid Width In Frozen Phoenix For PhpBB 3
A new question:
Then open a new thread!
Because one would be guessing if you are talking about the same theme as the topic of this thread.
And please try to add some better information - Snapshots of what you have or trying to do if possible.
And most of all a link to your "Hidden/Secret" forum.

Joshua203 [ Thu 02 Jun, 2011 13:12 ]
Post subject: Re: Fixed Profile Width With Fluid Width In Frozen Phoenix For PhpBB 3
it's really a "must" imho to limit the max size for avatars and other images that can be added by any user to avoid these images to do damage to the layout (in acp)
PS.. and what mort says: please more info, screenshots and url

(and one question in one thread would be lovely too)
Goldberg [ Thu 02 Jun, 2011 20:20 ]
Post subject: Re: Fixed Profile Width With Fluid Width In Frozen Phoenix For PhpBB 3
A new question:
Then open a new thread!
Because one would be guessing if you are talking about the same theme as the topic of this thread.
And please try to add some better information - Snapshots of what you have or trying to do if possible.
And most of all a link to your "Hidden/Secret" forum.

it's really a "must" imho to limit the max size for avatars and other images that can be added by any user to avoid these images to do damage to the layout (in acp)
PS.. and what mort says: please more info, screenshots and url

(and one question in one thread would be lovely too)
This is not relevant anymore

Mighty Gorgon [ Sat 04 Jun, 2011 11:11 ]
Post subject: Re: [Solved] Fixed Profile Width With Fluid Width In Frozen Phoenix For PhpBB 3
Alternatively you should make sure that your template has the proper CSS to deal with extra large images.
In particular I'm referring to this CSS property:
This should be added to any image container.
Goldberg [ Sat 04 Jun, 2011 11:27 ]
Post subject: Re: [Solved] Fixed Profile Width With Fluid Width In Frozen Phoenix For PhpBB 3
Alternatively you should make sure that your template has the proper CSS to deal with extra large images.
In particular I'm referring to this CSS property:
This should be added to any image container.
I've got the ReIMG Image Resizer 2.0.0 mos installed. Alle images will go to 800x600.
Mighty Gorgon [ Sat 04 Jun, 2011 11:29 ]
Post subject: Re: [Solved] Fixed Profile Width With Fluid Width In Frozen Phoenix For PhpBB 3
Yes, I was just suggesting an alternative way to display large images without breaking the template...
Highslide could help as well.