Updating Rainbow Pearl To 3.0.8 »  Show posts from    to     

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phpBB 3 MODS And Styles (Not Compatible With phpBB 3.1) - Updating Rainbow Pearl To 3.0.8

Nuworld [ Sat 29 Jan, 2011 05:31 ]
Post subject: Updating Rainbow Pearl To 3.0.8
Well folks,I'm been getting pounded by spammers and I'm trying to get Q&a to work on my site.

The Q&A question does not show on the registration page.
(Style updated problem) Works fine with the default prosilver/subsilver2

I have downloaded the current rainbow pearl 3.0.8
The problem i have i have a ton of mods on my site and there is no way i could go through ALL the edits to make this work.

I have winmerge and have tried to make it work. No luck!!

IMO: There has to be one or more edits to make this Q&A show on my site without going through a ton of styles edits.

Please i need some help with this before i get over run by these spamers from around the world.

mort [ Sat 29 Jan, 2011 12:37 ]
Post subject: Re: Updating Rainbow Pearl To 3.0.8
Nuworld wrote: [View Post]
I have winmerge and have tried to make it work. No luck!!

Why bother with WinMerge?

I don't use phpbb and am possibly out of my depth - But the code fixes for phpBB templates are posted here!


And I don't think that MG varies the default code that much!

Nuworld wrote: [View Post]

(Style updated problem) Works fine with the default prosilver/subsilver2

Please i need some help with this before i get over run by these spamers from around the world.

Then why don't you uninstall Rainbow Pearl and use the default theme until you sort this problem out!

Joshua203 [ Sat 29 Jan, 2011 13:17 ]
Post subject: Re: Updating Rainbow Pearl To 3.0.8
Joshua203 wrote: [View Post]
this is what should be in captcha_qa.html

Code: [Hide] [Select]
<th colspan="2" valign="middle">{L_CONFIRM_QUESTION}</th>
<td class="row1"><b class="genmed">{QA_CONFIRM_QUESTION}:</b><br /><span class="gensmall">{L_CONFIRM_QUESTION_EXPLAIN}</span></td>
<td class="row2"><input class="post" type="text" name="qa_answer" size="80" /></td>
<input type="hidden" name="qa_confirm_id" id="confirm_id" value="{QA_CONFIRM_ID}" /></td>

and this should be the part that is replaced by a question:
Code: [Hide] [Select]

can you check if that is the same?

@ Mort..
I don't use phpbb and am possibly out of my depth - But the code fixes for phpBB templates are posted here!


That is for prosilver

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