Black Pearl On Modded Phpbb3.0.1 »  Show posts from    to     

Icy Phoenix

phpBB 3 MODS And Styles (Not Compatible With phpBB 3.1) - Black Pearl On Modded Phpbb3.0.1

MORTAL 7 [ Tue 15 Jul, 2008 19:34 ]
Post subject: Black Pearl On Modded Phpbb3.0.1
I've just installed the fantastic Black Pearl style on my modded board.
I have Arcade , Gallery & Chat , I need to install the buttons for , but
the thing i noticed was when editing the Overall header .html its very different
to subsiver 2 , starting with the include breadcrumbs html , I'm wondering
if anyone else thats installed this style has done thier edits & might be able
to point me in the right direction. I also have mods like who was here that
dont show up on this style . Trouble is i think this Black Pearl style is so
good Im gonna keep it & try my best to keep the mods as well .
Any advice is gratefully recieved , i;ve only been learning about html for
2 months , so its a bit over my head .LOL
Thx to anyone that can help .

Mighty Gorgon [ Thu 17 Jul, 2008 10:58 ]
Post subject: Re: Black Pearl On Modded Phpbb3.0.1
Black Pearl is based upon subSilver plus table headers and footers.

If you have subSilver edits for your mods, then you can just start using subSilver templates and then add headers and footers.

This is how to do that:

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