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Old Docs - Icy Phoenix CMS System

darkone [ Thu 05 Apr, 2007 04:12 ]
Post subject: Icy Phoenix CMS System
Introduction to ICY Phoenix CMS System:

When you click on the Main Menu and you select CMS this will be the first page that you will see.


The selections you see are of the layouts/templates for the portal itself.

  • Global Blocks: These blocks can be seen on every portal page.
  • 3 Columns: Your main page is set to a 3 column layout.
  • 2 Columns: Your main page is set to a 2 column layout.
  • Central Block: You just have one area to insert blocks a single page style layout.
  • Quad Layout: Main page has four sections you can put blocks into.

Now if you click on '3 Columns’ this will take you to this screen:


This page shows all the blocks that you currently have installed into this template. From this window you can do the following:

  • Move block up or down: This is based on the position you have chosen for the block on the main page and you can now put it at the top, middle or bottom by just adjusting on where it falls in the list.
  • Edit: You can edit the options and layout of the block you select.
  • Delete: Delete a block from the template.
    Note: You will loose all work you have done to this block (ex: html code or any special coding you have done) so be careful before choosing this selection.
  • Add Block: Add a new block to the template. You will configure it and assign its position on the page.

The other columns show all of the rest of the information you would need to help manage your template:

    1. Position
  1. Status: Tells you whether you block is active/inactive in the template.
  2. Content: It will show 'block file’ if you chose any predefined blocks, but if you select ' -- Text or HTML Block -- ' the first option it will show up as 'Text’.
  3. Type: Only is used on the custom block ' -- Text or HTML Block -- ' ( it shows which style of block it is whether it is BBcode or HTML).
  4. Cache: Shows whether this block is cached or not on the mainpage.
  5. Usergroups: This shows you all the user groups which have permission to see this block.

Adding or editing a block:

Right now you are in the '3 Column’ template configuration or in a template of your choosing. At the bottom-middle of the screen you should see a 'add block’ button. You can either click on this or click on edit on an existing block in the list. When you do you should see this screen:


All the fields you see on this screen are the same for every block. Some blocks have additional configurations besides this screen depending on what you choose as the 'block file’. Let’s discuss the fields and what they do.

  • Title: An entry here will name your block so you know what it is in your listing on the previous page (template layout). It also will be used as a heading for the block when its on your screen so label it appropriately.

  • Position: This is what section of the template you want the block to appear. Since we are working with the '3 Column’ template you will have the (left, center and right) columns available for you to choose from. Now do remember this just selects which area to place the block you still have too in the template layout area to use the 'Move Up & Move Down’ buttons to actually place it where you want it.

  • Status: Turn the block on or off. Meaning making it visible or not-visible.

  • Block File: This is where you select which type of block you are inserting into your portal.
    Note: The “--Text or HTML block --“ is a blank block and you pretty much design it yourself with html, java, BBcode etc.. to create content for this area. We will use this Block File for our example later.

  • Cache: This is used for storing info for example the shoutbox, if you want to store all of the chat entries for a 24hr period you would turn this on and set 'Cache Duration’ to 86400 (60s * 60m =1h * 24h = 86400) this number is in seconds.

  • Cache Duration: Is the time period you want to cache this blocks information for. This is calculated in seconds.

  • View By: If you selected 'Status: Enabled’ for your block you will now need to assign who is allowed to see this block (ie: All Users, Guest Users Only, Registered Users, Moderators and Administrator).

  • Show Border: Graphical setting to turn the borders on/off.

  • Show Title Bar: Graphical setting to add/remove the title section of the block.
    Note: Remember the title you give this block (first field) will be inserted as the title of this block on the portal screen that’s why this feature is here, just incase you don’t want that title displayed.

  • Localize Bar: Choose whether the title of the block should be taken from the lang file (Localized) or from the input value.

  • Show BG: Graphical setting to turn the background on/off on the block.

  • Usergroups: If you have created user groups you will have some groups you can enable to have access to certain blocks.

Ok, now we are done with our explanation of the fields for creating a block and how they work.

Let's Create our Test Block:
Select ' -- Text or HTML Block -- ' in the Block File field and give a title of 'Test’, set position to 'Center’. Enable the block and don’t set it too cache and turn on all the graphical options. Now make it viewable by all. Now click 'Submit’.

You should now see this screen:


Now you see a box that’s almost identical to the forum posting box. Just choose what type of data this will be either BBcode or HTML. Basically if you are writing just text and inserting images or formatting of the text you might want to choose BBcode because it’s much easier to use and edit. You would use HTML if you were going to cut/paste links or entire code blocks into your block for use in the portal.

For this example I will use HTML and this is what it looks like:


You can use the 'Preview’ button to see what your work would look like in the block. If you click on 'Reset’ it will blank out all the work and you will start from a fresh screen. We’ll lets click on 'Submit’. We’re almost done and have your first custom block complete.

Now you will get a 'Block was Added’ message. This means your block is now viewable on your page. The only time it wouldn’t be available is if you don’t have it enabled or the group or user that you are doesn’t have the permission to view it. But since right now you are administrator you shouldn’t have any issues. Here is what it looks like:


That was easy. Now you should have a good handle on editing and creating blocks for your portal. Next we are going to talk about CMS Configuration (preferences) and CMS Page Permissions.

CMS Page Permissions:

From the main CMS configuration view find 'Page Permissions’ and click on it.



Now you should see a screen that looks like this:


On this page you can control block/global permission for users. You have four selections to choose from: ALL, REG, MOD, ADMIN. If you select 'ALL' on a permission for a block everyone should be able to view this certain block or page. Here is an example (see above image):

Let’s say you want only registered users to be able to view/access the 'Links’ view in the main menu. Right now its set to 'ALL’ so anyone can click on this link whether they are registered or not and view this area. You can now restrict access by changing this one permission from 'ALL’ to 'REG’. Now only registered users will be able to access this area.

Note: The users will still see the 'Links’ link in the main menu bar, but they will see this message if they are not logged in as a registered user and they click on the link.


The 'Global Blocks' column is just to acknowledge that this block is a global block as well and you want the permissions to extend to all blocks of that type no matter where they are located.

CMS Configuration:

To go to the configuration screen you need to click here on 'CMS Configuration’ on the main CMS screen. (See Image Below)


Once you have clicked on the link you should see a screen that looks like this:


Here is a description of each of the options in this configuration panel:

  • Default Site Page
    This is just the same as making a portal page default in Page Management. The dropdown list contains all the portal pages you have created using Page Management and you can easily select one to make the portal default page.

  • Enable system-wide header and left blocks
    When enabled, header (left column) blocks will be available for all pages in your forum.

  • Enable system-wide right and footer
    When enabled, footer (right column) blocks will be available for all pages in your forum.

  • Enable Cache System
    You can opt to enable or disable the cache system being used by the Portal. Take note that the cache system, when enabled, will give increased performance for your website.

  • Global Left Column Width
    You can define the width of left column in pixels on portal and forum pages.

  • Global Right Column Width
    You can define the width of right column in pixels on portal and forum pages.

  • Cache File Locking
    Enable/disable cache file locking and when enabled, can avoid cache corruption under bad circumstances.

  • Cache Write Control
    Enable/disable write control (the cache is read just after writing to detect corrupt entries). Enable write control will lightly slow the cache writing but not the cache reading.

  • Cache Read Control
    If enabled, a control key is embedded in cache file and this key is compared with the one calculated after the reading.

  • Cache Read Control Type
    Type of read control (only if read control is enabled). The available choices are: md5 hash control (best but slowest), crc32 hash control (lightly less safe but faster, better choice) and length only test (fastest).

  • Cache File Name Protection
    If set to true, you can use any cache id or group name. If set to false, it can be faster but cache ids and group names will be used directly in cache file names so be careful with special characters. (you don't have to worry about assigning cache id or group name because it is automatically handled by the portal engine). False setting is faster.

  • Cache Automatic Serialization
    It can be used to save directly data which aren't strings but it is slower. It is ideal to set it to true but if you want faster performance, you can opt to set it to false. As of now, no problem is being reported for setting it to false. But in case of problems when setting it to false, just leave the item set to true.

Screenshots and info are based on Icy Phoenix RC.

Mighty Gorgon [ Thu 05 Apr, 2007 04:14 ]
Post subject: Re: Icy Phoenix CMS System
Thank you very much darkone, I'm sure all the users will appreciate this.

Fra919 [ Sun 08 Apr, 2007 11:24 ]
Post subject: Re: Icy Phoenix CMS System
you're great...thanks a lot!

obus3000 [ Wed 16 May, 2007 21:15 ]
Post subject: Re: Icy Phoenix CMS System
The CMS is not working on my forum, why?

Well, is working, but do not shows the blocks´s variables

Mighty Gorgon [ Sun 20 May, 2007 15:39 ]
Post subject: Re: Icy Phoenix CMS System
obus3000 wrote: [View Post]
The CMS is not working on my forum, why?

Well, is working, but do not shows the blocks´s variables

Blocks variable are now editable only when you edit a block, because each block has its own variable.

If you need to edit a block var, edit that block and in the second page you can change the config vars for that block.

borbo [ Tue 05 Jun, 2007 04:32 ]
Post subject: Re: Icy Phoenix CMS System
Hello a small question...

In mine cms there in no such menu with so many options as like the photo cms_10

The only fields i can see are

Default Site Page

Homepage of the site [ Portal Config ]
Global Left Column Width

Width of site-wide left column in pixels [ Portal Config ]
Global Right Column Width

Width of site-wide right column in pixels [ Portal Config ]

Neither cache time or anything else...Is it a bug or a misconfiguration???

Zuker [ Tue 05 Jun, 2007 13:52 ]
Post subject: Re: Icy Phoenix CMS System
The new cache system doesn't need to be configured. These doc is based on an old icy version

Mighty Gorgon [ Sun 10 Jun, 2007 04:27 ]
Post subject: Re: Icy Phoenix CMS System
As Zuker correctly wrote, you are missing those features because they are configured automatically.

You don't need those options anymore.

magma [ Mon 15 Oct, 2007 14:26 ]
Post subject: Re: Icy Phoenix CMS System
Mighty Gorgon wrote: [View Post]
As Zuker correctly wrote, you are missing those features because they are configured automatically.

You don't need those options anymore.

I'd like to disable the caching system for a specific block in my CMS.
How can I do this?

Thanks in advance for any reply.

Mighty Gorgon [ Tue 23 Oct, 2007 23:02 ]
Post subject: Re: Icy Phoenix CMS System
Are you using Icy Phoenix?

If yes, cache is dynamic and applied only when needed.

Which block are you talking about?

ieio [ Sun 20 Jan, 2008 15:07 ]
Post subject: Re: Icy Phoenix CMS System
hi everyone, I've a problem with a block permission


I can't allow viewing the marked block by a not-staff group (donatori=donors) and I don't know what else to do

second problem: is there a way to change the path of custom pages created in/with cms? i'm gonna create a lot of page and I'd prefer not to have all in the root of my site: I think it could be better something like myste.com/cms_page/abc.php

ieio [ Sun 20 Jan, 2008 16:12 ]
Post subject: Re: Icy Phoenix CMS System
sorry, just a mistake in pressing button delete this post

Press 22 [ Sun 20 Jan, 2008 20:05 ]
Post subject: Re: Icy Phoenix CMS System
I've read this many times, and Tried almost everything.

How can I put a messege at the top of every page for guests only (below Banner and links)
Much thanks for help

buldo [ Sun 03 Feb, 2008 23:32 ]
Post subject: Re: Icy Phoenix CMS System
Press 22 wrote: [View Post]
I've read this many times, and Tried almost everything.

How can I put a messege at the top of every page for guests only (below Banner and links)
Much thanks for help

Just create an HTML or BBCode "global block" for visitors and put it on top.

Mighty Gorgon [ Thu 14 Feb, 2008 12:58 ]
Post subject: Re: Icy Phoenix CMS System
ieio wrote: [View Post]
second problem: is there a way to change the path of custom pages created in/with cms? i'm gonna create a lot of page and I'd prefer not to have all in the root of my site: I think it could be better something like myste.com/cms_page/abc.php

No... at the moment isn't possible to create pages in subfolders.

Elias67 [ Thu 20 Mar, 2008 20:52 ]
Post subject: Re: Icy Phoenix CMS System
Hi @all
kann you help me to Enable system-wide header and left blocks
(left column),so that left blocks will be available for all pages in my forum

Mighty Gorgon [ Sun 30 Mar, 2008 15:58 ]
Post subject: Re: Icy Phoenix CMS System
You need to enable it in CMS section for each page you want it to be shown.

The section is CMS AUTH: cms_auth.php

You need also to enable Global Blocks for not standard pages if you have created some. You can do it from the PAGE EDIT page.

For ID 1 the link is this one: cms.php?mode=layouts&l_id=1&action=edit

GAME_OVER [ Mon 07 Apr, 2008 00:26 ]
Post subject: Re: Icy Phoenix CMS System
I am unable to change the size of the left and right sides on my portal. Also, the side navigation isn't on all pages of my forums like it should be because I selected yes to all in the global blocks.

Mighty Gorgon [ Mon 07 Apr, 2008 00:35 ]
Post subject: Re: Icy Phoenix CMS System
You need to make sure that the menu is added as a global block.

Left and Right width may be set in CMS only for Global Blocks.

If you need different size in other layouts you need to change them manually (you may even duplicate layouts creating multiple width combinations).

Layout files are stored in templates/YOUR_TEMPLATE/layout/

GAME_OVER [ Mon 07 Apr, 2008 00:47 ]
Post subject: Re: Icy Phoenix CMS System
Yea, I had to change the size in of the columns in the server manually.

And yes, it is a global block. I'll keep looking into it. I don't know why it isn't working...

Mighty Gorgon [ Mon 07 Apr, 2008 01:04 ]
Post subject: Re: Icy Phoenix CMS System
GAME_OVER wrote: [View Post]
Yea, I had to change the size in of the columns in the server manually.

And yes, it is a global block. I'll keep looking into it. I don't know why it isn't working...

Do you have a link for me to have a look please?

GAME_OVER [ Mon 07 Apr, 2008 01:07 ]
Post subject: Re: Icy Phoenix CMS System
Mighty Gorgon wrote: [View Post]

Do you have a link for me to have a look please?

My site? Yes, but I have it disabled since I have it under construction. If you want to see it I'll turn the board online for you. And just turn off registration.

My site:

Mighty Gorgon [ Mon 07 Apr, 2008 01:12 ]
Post subject: Re: Icy Phoenix CMS System
If you solved by manually change your tpl files... I guess we may stop here further checking for now.

I will check again templates on my own next time I will play with global blocks.

GAME_OVER [ Mon 07 Apr, 2008 01:23 ]
Post subject: Re: Icy Phoenix CMS System
Hmmm alright....

where would the navigation be in the server, like where is it all under? If you like I can also show take print screen so that you can know what I'm looking at in the CMS.

EDIT: It has appeared like it has been fixed somehow, but now on the portal, the side is now on it's own creating 4 columns xD

Mighty Gorgon [ Mon 07 Apr, 2008 01:26 ]
Post subject: Re: Icy Phoenix CMS System
GAME_OVER wrote: [View Post]
Hmmm alright....

where would the navigation be in the server, like where is it all under? If you like I can also show take print screen so that you can know what I'm looking at in the CMS.

You have two way to add navigation:
  • Navigation BLOCK (hardcoded template)
  • Dynamic Menu BLOCK (you can choose what to put in via CMS)

Which kind of block are you using?

GAME_OVER [ Mon 07 Apr, 2008 01:41 ]
Post subject: Re: Icy Phoenix CMS System
Mighty Gorgon wrote: [View Post]

You have two way to add navigation:
  • Navigation BLOCK (hardcoded template)
  • Dynamic Menu BLOCK (you can choose what to put in via CMS)

Which kind of block are you using?

i believe it's teh navigation block =/

But I got it to finally work (idk how but it does) but now on the portal it shows up with two side navs, one on the outside (on it's own) and another on the 1st of the 3 columns.

Mighty Gorgon [ Mon 07 Apr, 2008 02:13 ]
Post subject: Re: Icy Phoenix CMS System
He he he... great you solved.

GAME_OVER [ Mon 07 Apr, 2008 02:15 ]
Post subject: Re: Icy Phoenix CMS System
Yea, I'm so much happier now lol

I was getting so frustrated.... XD

Dragon [ Sun 18 May, 2008 18:57 ]
Post subject: Re: Icy Phoenix CMS System
Hi guys,

a little question: How can i completely disable the CMS.
I didn't find any option for that in admin-area.

How can I disable the CMS with the help of code modification? Or is there an easier way?

thx for help

Mighty Gorgon [ Sun 18 May, 2008 19:07 ]
Post subject: Re: Icy Phoenix CMS System
Dragon wrote: [View Post]
Hi guys,

a little question: How can i completely disable the CMS.
I didn't find any option for that in admin-area.

How can I disable the CMS with the help of code modification? Or is there an easier way?

thx for help

I guess you want to disable the home page.

There is no way to disable it completely but if you don't enable any block no extra charge will be applied to all the package.

Finally you may want to change constants.php to redirect any home link to forum.php:
Code: [Hide] [Select]
define('PORTAL_MG', 'forum.' . $phpEx);

You may even duplicate forum.php and call it index.php...

Dragon [ Sun 18 May, 2008 22:46 ]
Post subject: Re: Icy Phoenix CMS System
OK, thank you.
I did both: change the constant and duplicate the forum.php in index.php

Perhaps in a new version of Icy Phoenix you could add an option to disable the "portal" or "homepage".

Thx for work.

Mighty Gorgon [ Thu 12 Jun, 2008 12:31 ]
Post subject: Re: Icy Phoenix CMS System
Icy Phoenix main feature is the CMS... if I make it switchable... it will loose its main feature...

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